Xiaomi Vacuum Control

This is pretty cool! I could use this for my s6 maxv… Hey, Do you want me to translate this?
Just need you to make it clear what needs translating on the front end for the users and I’ll happily do it.

Glad you like it! :slight_smile:

Have you done translations of widgets before? I’m currently thinking about a proper way to do it.
Could implement all labels in a map, but inside the widget is quite difficult to achieve that.

Otherwise I could just add all labels as properties and allow each user a translation.

What would you suggest?

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Definitely go with labels as properties and just allow users to map what they want with that. This will allow everyone to map any value or translation.
More effective that way :slight_smile:

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Hello, sorry for my english… ich schreib es doch lieber auf deutsch :slight_smile: kann mir jemand bitte behilflich sein mit dem Widget. Hab einen S5 Max. Widget ist auf der Page aber bekomme keine Daten übermittelt an das Widget. Thing Items vom Sauger wurden alle angelegt und funktionieren bzw. geben Daten aus. Ich habe als ItemPrefix den Namen von Einstellungen\Items RoborockS5Max_ genommen

danke für eure Hilfe

Sorry, but English only please. This is an international community.

I prefer to write it in German: slight_smile: can someone please help me with the widget. Have an S5 Max. Widget is on the page but I do not get any data transmitted to the widget. Thing items from the vacuum cleaner were all created and work or output data. I took the name of Settings \ Items RoborockS5Max_ as the ItemPrefix

thank you for your help

It does not matter what you prefer, we have community rules regarding use of language.

Problem solved. just enter the itemname in the prefix without _

How can you change the FrameWork7 icons to Material icons?
I tried changing: iconF7: =loop.roomChunk.icon, but that didn’t work. Can you give an example?

Didn’t try it myself, but from the documentation, you should be able to use material icons by changing

iconF7: =loop.roomChunk.icon


iconMaterial: =loop.roomChunk.icon

and - for sure - using a material icon definition in the room-json.

Hope that helps.

Yep, thanks. I think I had a typo when I first tried.

This Widget look great! Can you please explain how to use it?
I created a new Widget in OpenHab (“Developer Tools” → “Widgets”) and copied the text from the yaml-File into that form. How can I get it visible within the HUBPanel?

The widget looks amazing and I would like to use it but what items should I add in the widget settings?
These are my items:

Hi guys, first of all mega respect for the awesome widget. :star_struck:
I have a beginner question about it.
Probably for some of you quite banal.

Where do I have to copy the code for the JSON object?
I’m kind of at a loss here.


…but what items should I add in the widget settings?

The widget uses many items - and as I’am quite lazy, I use a item prefix (just a string, no real item) within the widget configuration.

So just look in your items for the vaccuum items and configure the widget with everything before the underscore. (If required, I can add screenshots later, right now I don’t have access)

Maybe the response Xiaomi Vacuum Control - #15 by Peter3 helps you as well

@boozzz explained it quite good here: Xiaomi Vacuum Control - #21 by boozzz

@boozzz the widget is only for main ui of OH3 (or however the UI is called) HABPanel is something different and afaik can’t use the widget.

@Tetsuo Ok…my question is more where do I add these lines:

  {"icon":"bed_double", "roomId": 16, "label": "Schlafzimmer" },
  {"icon":"chat_bubble_2", "roomId": 17, "label": "Wohnzimmer" },
  {"icon":"dial", "roomId":18, "label": "Küche" },
  {"icon":"moon_zzz", "roomId":19, "label": "Gästezimmer" },
  {"icon":"drop", "roomId":20, "label": "Badezimmer" },
  {"icon":"person", "roomId": 22, "label": "Gäste-WC" },
  {"icon":"table", "roomId": 23, "label": "Abstellkammer" },
  {"icon":"device_laptop", "roomId": 24, "label": "Arbeitszimmer" }

Oh, sure. If you add the widget to your page, you have the configuration where you also add the item prefix.

There you have to put it into the rooms field.

Sorry, right now I don’t have access to my hab instance - so I can’t post screenshots.

Oh man…thank you very much. Now that I read it again, I should have thought of it too!

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Hey Guys,

first and foremost thank you for that amazing widget, basically exactly what i was looking for, raises the WAF immensly! :slight_smile:

i’m wondering if i did something wrong, because the room-cleaning actions don’t work for me. i added the widget as usual and added the json array to the config where i placed the widget (i created an extra site). now if i select a room and hit “ausführen” nothing happens… do i need intermediate objects or could it be that the command i need to send is different for the s6 maxv? i do have an object called “Vacuum Room [room#]” which i used before to send commands to the robot (i just made a dummy item for each room which would get added to an array after 30 seconds delay, that array would be sent to that object)

it would be amazing if someone could help me! thank you guys!

Hi Silvan,

not sure if I’m able to help, but try these two hints:

  • Room numbers in JSON, have you tried if the room numbers in the json match the configuration of your Roborock? I did that by writing a simple script with the app_segment_clean[16] command
  • Item-prefix-configuration. As stated in the configuration hint, search in your items for (i.e.) _CleaningMap and use the prefix (everything before the underscore) in the configuration

Hope it helps