OH3, Eclipse IDE, EEAs

After setting up the Eclipse IDE with all the 3.x branches I waited until the initial setup tasks has been done. I also triggered the menu to performe the setup task after that.
But especially all the openhab-core bundles complained about a missing classpath directory “target/dependency” (the EEA classpath).
If my understanding has been correct the maven-dependency-plugin is responsible to download the EEAs to that directory.
Is it (still) necessary to build openhab-core using mvn on the console to get all IDE errors resolved?

I assume this error in the IDE is related:

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.1.1:unpack (execution: unpack-eea, phase: process-sources)

Yes it’s currently still required to do a Maven build on the console for the EEAs to be downloaded to the target/dependency dir. Hopefully we can find a way to improve the EEA experience in Eclipse. :slight_smile:

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At least this error should be resolved with openhab-distro#1189.

Thanks for pointing me to.

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