OH3 + Fibaro RGBW 2 not working correctly

Hi all,

I have a Fibaro RGBW 2 Controller which is not working correctly.
I’m using OpenHab Version 3.1 and I have a RGB LED Stripe with 12V. (The LED Stripe is ok)

I setup everything in default mode and nothing is working except the Output of White on the controller.
Red, Green and Blue are not working.

Then I changed Parameter 150 (Input Mode) from RGB to HSB.
Now I can switch ON and OFF the LED Stripe. The Problem now is, Red, Green and Blue are always on 100%.
That means I can now not set any color.

I already searched through the Forum but I cannot find helpfull information.
Does someone have an idea ?

If you need any logs, don’t hesitate to ask.

What exactly is you problem?
Can’t you control the strip from openhab or can’t you control the strip through the device inputs?
Check this entry:

I have no device inputs connected.
I want to control the LED stripe with openhab only.

The only item in Openhab which is working for this thing (FGRGBW-442) is “switch_dimmer” to control the brightness of the LED stripe. But everytime with all Color LEDs (Red, Green, Blue) enabled.

I’m not able to change the color of the LED Stripe

What is the definition of your Item that you are doing this to, what binding channel have you linked that to?

Z-Wave Binding 3.1.0


UID: zwave:device:a38d03fe45:node78
label: Schalter_GT_Mauer_LED_zw78
thingTypeUID: zwave:fibaro_fgrgbw442_00_000
  config_154_4_00FF0000: 255
  config_30_4_000000FF: 0
  config_32_4_00FF0000: 255
  config_152_2: 0
  config_150_1: 1
  config_33_4_0000FF00: 0
  config_155_4_7F000000: 0
  config_33_4_000000FF: 0
  config_154_4: 4294967295
  config_156_4: 1667457891
  config_64_2: 0
  config_41_1: 15
  config_20_1: 2
  config_31_4_000000FF: 0
  config_156_4_00FF0000: 99
  config_62_2: 3600
  config_22_1: 2
  config_43_1: 15
  config_34_4_00FF0000: 255
  config_34_4_7F000000: 4
  action_heal: false
  config_32_4_000000FF: 0
  config_1_1: 0
  config_155_4_00FF0000: 0
  config_30_4_0000FF00: 0
  config_31_4_0000FF00: 0
  config_33_4_7F000000: 2
  config_66_2: 3600
  config_154_4_7F000000: 255
  config_32_4_0000FF00: 0
  config_154_4_000000FF: 255
  config_154_4_0000FF00: 255
  config_30_4_00FF0000: 0
  config_32_4_7F000000: 1
  config_151_2: 0
  config_33_4_00FF0000: 255
  config_157_1: 0
  config_155_4: 0
  config_42_1: 15
  config_65_2: 10
  config_156_4_000000FF: 99
  config_31_4_7F000000: 5
  config_156_4_7F000000: 99
  config_31_4_00FF0000: 255
  config_34_4_0000FF00: 0
  config_35_2_0000FFFF: 600
  config_21_1: 2
  config_63_2: 5
  config_40_1: 15
  config_156_4_0000FF00: 99
  config_34_4_000000FF: 0
  config_30_4_7F000000: 0
  config_155_4_000000FF: 0
  config_155_4_0000FF00: 0
  config_23_1: 2
  node_id: 78
bridgeUID: zwave:serial_zstick:a38d03fe45


zwave:device:a38d03fe45:node78:switch_dimmer (Dimmer)
zwave:device:a38d03fe45:node78:color_color (Color)
zwave:device:a38d03fe45:node78:color_color1 (Color)
zwave:device:a38d03fe45:node78:color_temperature (Dimmer)

I’m using openhab 3.1 and all the config is done in the OH3 frontend.

No ideas ?

Try to make a rule in a .rules file like this and check the log for activity:

rule "Test color"
    Item YourItem changed
    logInfo("Test color", "State=" + YourItem.state)

You could also try controlling/logging the RGB channels as Dimmers individually, just to check your wiring.

You have to set the master dimmer to 100%, then you can change the color accordingly.