OH3: HTTP-Binding RegExp / JS

The whitelist is located at /etc/openhab/misc/exec.whitelist . For examples see: Exec - Bindings | openHAB

Yes, I think so. I used Regex, but if you used JS in the past and it was working, then likely once your script is in the whitelist, it should also work.

Since the title reads ā€žhttp bindingā€œ, you should move the discussion to another thread.

It seems as if this is a limitation in openHAB - is there a chance to get this fixed to be able to continue using the http binding?

Hi Akashkumar, could I ask you to describe step-by-step how you did it? Iā€™m completely new to OH3 so Iā€™m really struggling to get this working. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi all
I have also changed from OH2 to OH3 and am trying to re-integrate my senors. unfortunately without success so far.
could someone please make a small step by step guide on how to get it running again.

already a thank you
