[OH3] Ikea Tradfri LED1649C5 e14 dimming bulb via zigbee2mqtt

Have you solved your issue? I have exactly the same problem. Sensors added (I am using Xiaomi temperature/Humidity sensors) are visible as offline until I press save on MQTT Broker. Then they appear as online for some time but values from them are not refreshing.
My thing configuration:

UID: mqtt:topic:MyMQTTBroker:SalonTempHumSensor
label: Salon Czujnik temperatury i wilgotności
thingTypeUID: mqtt:topic
  payloadNotAvailable: offline
  availabilityTopic: zigbee2mqtt/SensorSalon/availability
  payloadAvailable: online
bridgeUID: mqtt:broker:MyMQTTBroker
location: Salon
  - id: Temperatura
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:number
    label: Temperatura
    description: ""
      stateTopic: zigbee2mqtt/SensorSalon/temperature
      max: 100
      min: 0

I spelled things out as text and the problem disappeared
Bridge mqtt:broker:zigbeeBroker [ host=“”, secure=false, username=“admin”, password=“admin” ]


Thing topic motion_sensor2 "Датчик движения 2"  @ "Your room"



        Type switch  : status2      "status2"      [ stateTopic = "zigbee2mqtt/motion_sensor2/occupancy", off="false", on="true" ]

        Type number   : battery2     "battery2"     [ stateTopic = "zigbee2mqtt/motion_sensor2/battery" ]

        Type number   : linkquality2 "linkquality2" [ stateTopic = "zigbee2mqtt/motion_sensor2/linkquality" ]


Thing topic motion_sensor1 "Датчик движения 1"  @ "Your room"



        Type switch  : status1      "status1"      [ stateTopic = "zigbee2mqtt/motion_sensor1/occupancy", off="false", on="true" ]

        Type number   : battery1     "battery1"     [ stateTopic = "zigbee2mqtt/motion_sensor1/battery" ]

        Type number   : linkquality1 "linkquality1" [ stateTopic = "zigbee2mqtt/motion_sensor1/linkquality" ]


Thing topic motion_sensor3 "Датчик движения 3"  @ "Your room"



        Type switch : occupancy "occupancy" [ stateTopic = "zigbee2mqtt/motion_sensor3/occupancy", on="true", off="false"  ]

        Type number : illuminance "illuminance" [ stateTopic = "zigbee2mqtt/motion_sensor3/illuminance" ]                 

        Type number : battery "battery" [ stateTopic = "zigbee2mqtt/motion_sensor3/battery" ]     

        Type number : linkquality "linkquality" [ stateTopic = "zigbee2mqtt/motion_sensor3/linkquality" ]     


//Датчик движения 1

Switch Status1 “Occupancy1” (dveri_vxod) [ “Status” ] {channel=“mqtt:topic:zigbeeBroker:motion_sensor1:status1”}

Number Battery1 “Battery1” (dveri_vxod) [ “Status” ] {channel=“mqtt:topic:zigbeeBroker:motion_sensor1:battery1”}

Number Linkquality1 “Linkquality1” (dveri_vxod) [ “Status” ] {channel=“mqtt:topic:zigbeeBroker:motion_sensor1:linkquality1”}

//Датчик движения 2

Switch Status2 “Occupancy2” (dveri_vxod) [ “Status” ] {channel=“mqtt:topic:zigbeeBroker:motion_sensor2:status2”}

Number Battery2 “Battery2” (dveri_vxod) [ “Status” ] {channel=“mqtt:topic:zigbeeBroker:motion_sensor2:battery2”}

Number Linkquality2 “Linkquality2” (dveri_vxod) [ “Status” ] {channel=“mqtt:topic:zigbeeBroker:motion_sensor2:linkquality2”}

//Датчик движения 3

Switch Occupancy3 “Occupancy3” (dveri_vxod) [ “Status” ] {channel=“mqtt:topic:zigbeeBroker:motion_sensor3:occupancy”}

Number Illuminance3 “Illuminance3” (dveri_vxod) [ “Status” ] {channel=“mqtt:topic:zigbeeBroker:motion_sensor3:illuminance”}

Number Battery3 “Battery3” (dveri_vxod) [ “Status” ] {channel=“mqtt:topic:zigbeeBroker:motion_sensor3:battery”}

Number Linkquality3 “Linkquality3” (dveri_vxod) [ “Status” ] {channel=“mqtt:topic:zigbeeBroker:motion_sensor3:linkquality”}

Thx for the tutorial.
What puzzles me is that after 1 year their is still no possibility to add tradfri blubs correctly by autodetection !

My zigbee2mqtt setup has Home Assistant support enabled.
The tradfri bulb gets detected without issues. However the “color” topic is published as trigger and therefore inaccessible.

If I try to create a new item and link it to the color channel I get the following error:

So in the end I need to configure the MQTT thing on foot as this tutorial describes.

Is this something to be fixed on OH side or zigbee2mqtt side ?

For everyone who wants to access further attributes such as color temperature or light color (different bulbs).
This you can achieve by using JSONPATH transformation in your thing:


UID: mqtt:topic:YOURID
thingTypeUID: mqtt:topic
  payloadNotAvailable: offline
  availabilityTopic: zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state
  payloadAvailable: online
bridgeUID: mqtt:broker:c5190c945d
  - id: Power
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: Switch
    description: ""
      commandTopic: zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLYNAME/set
      formatBeforePublish: '{"state":"%s"}'
      stateTopic: zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLYNAME
      transformationPattern: JSONPATH:$.state
      off: OFF
      on: ON
  - id: Brightness
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:dimmer
    label: Helligkeit
    description: ""
      commandTopic: zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLYNAME/set
      min: 0
      formatBeforePublish: '{"brightness":"%s"}'
      stateTopic: zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLYNAME
      transformationPattern: JSONPATH:$.brightness
      max: 255
  - id: ColorTemperature
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:dimmer
    label: Licht Temperatur
    description: null
      commandTopic: zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLYNAME/set
      min: 250
      formatBeforePublish: '{"color_temp":"%s"}'
      stateTopic: zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLYNAME
      transformationPattern: JSONPATH:$.color_temp
      max: 454