OH3: Import MQTT items?

Hi there,

I’ve got a lot of MQTT items like this in the (old) textual definition:

String ws_heute_vormittag_text “Wetter Heute Vormittag Txt” {mqtt=“<[mqtt:weatherservice/heute_vormittag/text:state:default]”}
String ws_heute_vormittag_image “Wetter Heute Vormittag Image” {mqtt=“<[mqtt:weatherservice/heute_vormittag/image:state:default]”}

In OH3 I now want to create a thing for this service, and somehow add the above strings as MQTT topic channels. Is there any way I can add/import channels via text descriptions so this task is easier?

Edit: Well I guess I can just use the Code tab… sorry

You can add them via items (bottom right hand corner plus sign)


Use the add items from textual definition.

Adding items using the content of an .items file is possible, however the contents have to be in a valid format.
The items you posted are defined for the outdated mqtt binding and will NOT work.