OH3 js rules gone

Today I have got my hands on OH3 (m1 and latest snapshot). I noticed the next generation rule engine is installed out of the box and I can create rules via the new Webui, great!
I have two DSL rules stored on the file system which are also visible in the UI, but I miss all my jsr223 (Javascript) rules stored on the file system.
Do I have to migrate those somehow manually or is this a bug?

Did you try restarting openHAB after the first startup? I fixed this bug and it is available in the OH3 snapshot build:

Tried right now with latest snapshot docker image without success. Still only DSL rules are shown to me. From the logs I only see errors related to Influxdb (data type) and mapdb (serialization), which seem to be known looking at other threads.

I think I ran into your issue too while testing some Groovy rules yesterday. You can probably get your rules loaded by installing an additional feature on the Console using:

feature:install openhab-core-automation-module-script-rulesupport

So we need to add that feature by default or it will not load JS rules from files. :slight_smile:

Thereā€™s now a PR to fix this:

That did the trick. Now I just need to change the namespacesā€¦
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.actions.ScriptExecution
I guess it just replacing ā€œeclipseā€ by ā€œopenhabā€?

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Usually all you have to do is replace ā€œorg.eclipse.smarthomeā€ with ā€œorg.openhab.coreā€
If that results in ā€œorg.openhab.core.coreā€ you need to remove one ā€œ.coreā€.

You can also find these classes in the JavaDocs:
