OH3 Location pictures not showing up in my openhab cloud

On my local machine, after logging i see such nice picture background of my locations

Connecting over cloud, pictures are disappearing.

I have checked links to backgrounds inside. They point out to my local saved picture location

Changin hostname to local IP does not solve the problem.
how to keep background pictures on the myopenhab?

http:\\openhabian:8080 isn’t a URL that exists anywhere except on your LAN. Try this experiment, open that URL on your phone when not connected to your LAN.

The Getting Started Tutorial address this: Pages - Overview Page | openHAB

Use a relative path and that first part of the URL that doesn’t exist anywhere but on your LAN will be replaced with what ever base URL you’ve used to access MainUI in the first place.

I thought this what is shown in a cloud is being received directly from my server within secure tunneling communication. Is there any possibility to display pictures I see on my device in a cloud?

Alternatively i could store pictures somewhere on the net. Right?

It is. But you’ve bypassed that functionality by using the full URL.

When you are on your LAN, the URL to that image is http://openhabian:8080/static/RaspberryPi_Logo.png. When connecting through myopenhab.org that same image’s URL is https://myopenhab.org/home/static/RaspberryPi_Logo.png. (NOTE your slashes are backwards in the URL but that doesn’t appear to matter since it works on your LAN at all).

Yes, as I said and is in the docs, use a relative URL path instead of the full URL. /static/RaspberryPi_Logo.png

You’re right. It works. Thanks for the explanation.

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