OH3: Map view page does not show location [SOLVED]

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: Raspberry PI4
    • OS: Debian 10.7, Official Docker OH3.0.0
    • Java Runtime Environment: java11
    • openHAB version: 3.0.0
  • Issue of the topic:

I have defined an item for my car’s location:

It shows correct lat/long in the Items list:

However when I create a map view page:

it does not show any position for my car:

Also when showing Equipment and Cars card the Location field is empty (another question is why the Fuel level and Temperature values are not shown on the card, you need to click on the link so see them in a graph) :

I also created a site map page and on Basic UI the location of my Cars is correctly displayed:

What am I missing?



This is not normal & probably the reason why you’re having issues. You don’t seem to receive state updates via SSE.
Make sure you’re not using any kind of proxy that isn’t compatible with SSE, this includes developer proxies like Fiddler or Charles, privacy oriented tools like Privoxy, or some anti-virus software. Also open the developer tools in the browser and try to figure out why you don’t get updates, there might be errors in there.

Yes, it was a feature/bug :bug: in the ingress controller traefik that I’m using since I deploy OH3 docker image in a K3s cluster for test purposes:
[BUG] Server Side Events not working behind Traefik ingress in k3d · Issue #162 · rancher/k3d · GitHub.

Thanks for the help! :slight_smile:

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