OH3: OH3 looses communication with Mosquitto

Good morning, yes I’ve used openhabian-config with menu 23. There is only the possibility to give an password. I’ve tried with an without, both not successful.

After installing the addon MQTT-binding, the item MQTT system broker connection appears in the category Other systems below the item Basic UI. I have only the possibility to choose this to continue my settings.

So, you’ve read the instructions on menu 23? It says clearly, that openhabian will be the username and you can either provide a password, in which case the broker will be configured with the credentials openhabian/YOURPASSWORD and it also states, if you leave the password blank, the broker will work with anonymous users (meaning no username and password at all)

If you installed the (only available) binding in the OH3-GUI, called MQTT binding, you’ll get this screen, if you want to add a thing.

So, if you read the documentation for the binding, you should:

  1. install the broker as a bridge: MQTT Brokerfirst entry!
  2. install whatever you would like to achieve (we still don’t know) as a Thing: Generic MQTT Thing or on of the othre → please read the docu on what those Things represent.

That was the key clue

Hello and good morning. It runs. There was a misunderstanding on my part regarding the meaning of user and password in Mosquitto. I reinstalled everything again, without a password for Mosquitto. ONLY then the user “openhabian” is not set, as you say above. Then it also worked in OH3 without a user and password. However, if you assign a password for Mosquitto during the first installation, it remains in place, even if you later install Mosquitto without a password via menu 23.
It took me a fair amount of time and confusion, but now it seems to be working

Many thanks for the support.

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