OH3 Schedules (upgrade from oh2.5)


I made the upgrade of OH 2.5 to 3 as my xmas present :). Everything went well so far. But I get an error message by creating an schedule


Requested content not found.

Debug information

** Url: /settings/schedule/6488c2000c*
** Path: /settings/schedule/6488c2000c*
** Hash:*
** Params:*
** Query:*
** Route: (.)

Also, before saving, I don’T see my Rollershutter as Items. They are defined this way

Rollershutter ShutterKitchen “Kitchen [%.0f %%]” (Kitchen, GShutter)

Anyone has an idea what is wrong ?

Same here…
I’ve got also the problem with “rules”.

I’ve changed the semantic class from "pointT to “status” and now my rule works.