My setup (click to view)
version: 4.2.2
buildString: Release Build
locale: en-GB
configFolder: /etc/openhab
userdataFolder: /var/lib/openhab
logFolder: /var/log/openhab
javaVersion: 17.0.13
javaVendor: Debian
osName: Linux
osVersion: 6.8.12-2-pve
osArchitecture: amd64
availableProcessors: 2
freeMemory: 201141192
totalMemory: 599785472
uptime: 957864
startLevel: 100
- automation-jsscripting
- binding-astro
- binding-http
- binding-mqtt
- persistence-inmemory
- persistence-jdbc-sqlite
- persistence-mapdb
- persistence-rrd4j
- transformation-jinja
- transformation-jsonpath
ios: false
android: false
androidChrome: false
desktop: true
iphone: false
ipod: false
ipad: false
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phonegap: false
electron: false
nwjs: false
webView: false
webview: false
standalone: false
pixelRatio: 1
prefersColorScheme: dark
isSecureContext: false
locationbarVisible: true
menubarVisible: true
cookieEnabled: true
deviceMemory: N/A
hardwareConcurrency: 4
language: en-GB
languages:- en-GB
- en
onLine: true
platform: Linux x86_64
width: 1920
height: 1200
colorDepth: 24
touch: false
pointerEvents: true
observer: true
passiveListener: true
gestures: false
intersectionObserver: true
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filled: true
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homeBackground: default
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timestamp: 2024-11-20T19:16:21.496Z
Based on the below quote, I assumed I could use the JDBC persistence service (sqlite) to store and retrieve forecast data. Does anyone successfully do this today?
I have been trying with both Javascript (using the example Javascript snippet provided in the documentation) and the API Explorer directly. When inserting forecast data into the JDBC persistence service I do not receive an error. However, when trying to retrieve it I receive no data back - the retrieval call is successful, there’s just no data in the database.
If I do the same with the InMemory persistence service I have no issues - the persisted forecast data is retrieved without problem.