On Malinka 3 b+ I load openhab and after loading I can't go on Malinka's ip

I have the same problem. On Malinka 3 b+ I load openhab and after loading I can’t go on Malinka’s ip. Try everything… and on Wi-Fi and on a wire and the monitor connected and after the address of the Malinka: 8080 put. reinstalled 3 times and tried everything already. Please help me solve the problem . wifi and wire

Perhaps having both wired and wireless connected is causing an issue.

I have installed openHABian successfully with just a wired connection on my Raspberry Pi 3 B+

when I connect via Wi-Fi, I disconnect the wire

Not sure how and what you already did, are you familiar with linux/networking?
http://openhabian.ip:8080 in the browser - no spaces there.
If this is not working, are you able to ping the raspberry from another computer?
ssh to it?
If none of the above works, the SD card may be the culprit. Try another one.

are you familiar with linux/networking? - no
this is my first time in openhab. I need to install smart homes, I have to figure it out

http://openhabian.ip:8080 in the browser - no spaces there. -

does not work

how is that? there are instructions?

If you have a windows machine:
press windows key and type “cmd” and enter
A “terminal” will open with a command prompt like C:
(or ping and see if the raspberry pi answers (4 packets will be sent)

If none of the above works, the SD card may be the culprit. Try another one. - I kept it in my head, but I thought I do not have a map yet, but on the streets 4 nights =) and as you wrote I remembered that there is a go Pro =) put, loaded, now the system is loaded

That does not matter. Read the errors on the screen. The first-boot script died for some reason.
I guess they could log in and try sudo /boot/first-boot.bash and see what errors show up.

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sent, it came all right 4

what should I do? there are instructions?

I can imagine running any bash command can be not as easy as that for someone without linux/command line experience, but you’re right I didn’t check the screenshot :wink:

if the first-boot.sh failed it means the openhabian has not installed correctly.
You should try another SD card if possible. Reinstall the openhabian and try again.
you can also login to openhabian (with keyboard) and try to read the log file:

cat /boot/first-boot.log

if it’s there, there may be an information what went wrong

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Hurray! Thanks! I sat for 7 hours and suffered, and this is a flash drive!

That makes me wonder why they do not use a more familiar OS? Java was designed to be cross-platform.

Well, there is not much choice for the raspberries, I’d say.
Raspbian basis is actually the best you can get. If it works, you don’t need to know much about the OS, and you just use the web interface. And beside that openhab stays a little bit “low level”. Plenty of people here (thanks folks) are developers and geeks I think. All that is easy for them. We (non-programmers) have to struggle :slight_smile:

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