Openhab 2.2, most Bindings stop working frequently

That “arping”-error is solved with this post Errors after upgrade to 2.2 by @sihui. Just install an “arping-program”. I did it with “apt-get install arping”.

With these other problems I cannot help you - I do have many errors too after that upgrade. Still have “Could not set new location, keeping old one” too; but also had it in 2.1.

At “The operator ‘!=’ should be replaced by ‘!==’ when null is one of the arguments.” you just need to change all your rules if there is a null then add a “=” to have !== or ===. I do not know why, but it does the job.

For the problem “The method toDateMidnight() from the type DateTime is deprecated” have a look here: Deprecated imports

Here “Scale transform file ‘/etc/openhab2/transform/humidex.scale’ does not comply with syntax for entry : ‘-’, 'undefiniert’” you probably need to add something it that transform file?

I did read something about a problem after update that the USB-Slot was not accessable. I do not know anything about Z-Wave, but do you need a USB-Dongle for it? Maybe that is the problem that there is a timeout?

Hope I could help you at least a little bit. :slight_smile: