Openhab 2.4 hanging

we are getting somewhere :+1:


maybe toss the file? I already removed addons.cfg, which was maybe the wrong action?


Hi Han,

Not sure you’ve confirmed if you use the ui or cfg file to manage addons?

I wouldn’t have removed the addons.cfg but removing the addons.config and restarting oh is the next logical step but does depend on how you install your addons.


I use the Paper UI, but remember I have used the cfg at some moment.
I have removed the mqtt reference and it stopped the installs…
Will try another update later on
Thank you very much so far!

Hi Han,

Ok my understanding is that you should only use ui or addons.cfg to add bindings not both as that causes issues, I only use textual updates via VSCode and not the ui.

I suggest you need to go for one or the other then drop that addons.config and restart oh which will re-generate the file.

Check the openhab log for those Install messages and also look at the new addons.cfg file.


1 Like

Hello, I seem to have performance problems related to the mqtt bundles, too:

openhab> bundle:list | grep -i mqtt
211 x Active x 80 x 1.2.0 x Paho MQTT Client
230 x Waiting x 80 x 0.10.0.oh240 x Eclipse SmartHome Embedded MQTT Broker
231 x Active x 80 x 0.10.0.oh240 x Eclipse SmartHome MQTT Transport Bundle
271 x Active x 80 x 0.10.0.oh240 x Eclipse SmartHome MQTT Binding
272 x Active x 80 x 0.10.0.oh240 x Eclipse SmartHome MQTT Thing Binding

openhab.log shows multiple lines of the following:

2019-01-06 13:41:29.642 [DEBUG] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Installed β€˜openhab-action-mqtt, openhab-binding-mqtt1’
and sometimes:
2019-01-06 13:39:57.120 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension β€˜binding-mqtt’ has been installed.

Since Im still a beginner pls forgive if Im missing something obvious. I was planning to start a MQTT integration but at the moment Im still free to delete these bindings.

BTW: My addons.cfg consists only of comments.

Thx, Stephen

Hi Stephen,

In your case I would uninstall both mqtt bindings, stop openhab then remove the below file, restart openhab then re-add bindings one at a time while monitoring oh log for the Install message.



Took me an hour or more of deleting add-ons. Config and messing with the cfg to finally get all the messages clear. What a pain. Clear for about 2 days now. I will continue to monitor this topic and post any relevant information. Would love for the stability of 2.3 back. A week or two ago I removed the http binding because I thought it was causing the freezing. I’ll leave everything alone for a week and see if I can add it back in then. Thanks Kevin


Sounds promising and glad to be of help.


Up and running, thank you very much!

Hi Han,

Glad to hear it and happy to help.

All the best for 2019


Try to change this to


I kept running into all sort of inconsistencies about the quotation marks in the addons.cfg.

i finally tried removing all quotation marks and got zero errors in the log. So, it may not work for everybody but, try removing them completely.

It just died on me again!
I’m on 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT Build #1491 but the behavior was the exact same on 2.4.0

Logger                                             β”‚ Level
183                                                β”‚ DEBUG
227                                                β”‚ DEBUG
231                                                β”‚ DEBUG
258                                                β”‚ ERROR
ROOT                                               β”‚ WARN
javax.jmdns                                        β”‚ ERROR
org.apache.karaf                                   β”‚ INFO
org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.audit                β”‚ INFO
org.apache.karaf.kar.internal.KarServiceImpl       β”‚ ERROR                     β”‚ OFF
org.apache.sshd                                    β”‚ ERROR
org.eclipse.lsp4j                                  β”‚ OFF
org.eclipse.smarthome                              β”‚ INFO
org.jupnp                                          β”‚ ERROR
org.openhab,WATTS                                  β”‚ INFO
org.openhab.binding.exec                           β”‚ WARN
org.openhab.binding.mqtt                           β”‚ INFO
org.openhab.binding.mysensors                      β”‚ WARN
org.openhab.binding.nest                           β”‚ INFO
org.openhab.binding.synologysurveillancestation    β”‚ OFF
org.openhab.binding.unifi                          β”‚ INFO                        β”‚ INFO
org.openhab.binding.wol                            β”‚ INFO
org.openhab.binding.zwave                          β”‚ INFO
org.openhab.binding.zwaveM                         β”‚ DEBUG
org.openhab.core                                   β”‚ INFO
org.openhab.core.karaf                             β”‚ WARN
org.openhab.corw                                   β”‚ ERROR                      β”‚ INFO
org.openhab.model.script.engine                    β”‚ INFO
org.openhab.model.script.rules                     β”‚ ERROR
org.openhab.persistence.influxdb                   β”‚ WARN
org.openhab.persistence.influxdbM                  β”‚ DEBUG
org.openhab.persistence.mapdb                      β”‚ INFO
org.openhab.persistence.mapdbM                     β”‚ DEBUG
org.openhab.persistence.rrd4j                      β”‚ INFO
org.openhab.persistence.rrd4jMo                    β”‚ DEBUG
org.openhav                                        β”‚ DEFAULT
org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.internal.AetherBasedResolver β”‚ ERROR
org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-runtime                  β”‚ OFF
smarthome.event                                    β”‚ INFO
smarthome.event.InboxUpdatedEvent                  β”‚ ERROR
smarthome.event.ItemAddedEvent                     β”‚ ERROR
smarthome.event.ItemRemovedEvent                   β”‚ ERROR
smarthome.event.ItemStateEvent                     β”‚ ERROR
smarthome.event.ThingAddedEvent                    β”‚ ERROR
smarthome.event.ThingRemovedEvent                  β”‚ ERROR
smarthome.event.ThingStatusInfoEvent               β”‚ ERROR


20:10:41.020 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - frontDoor changed from CLOSED to OPEN
20:10:41.021 [INFO ] [arthome.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - squirrelLight predicted to become 40
20:10:41.023 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - dwLPx changed from OFF to ON
20:10:41.024 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent     ] - Item 'DWL' received command ON
20:10:41.026 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent     ] - Item 'lr35ol' received command 1
20:10:41.026 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent     ] - Item 'foyOL' received command 1
20:10:41.027 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent     ] - Item 'Driveway2' received command ON
20:10:41.028 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent     ] - Item 'Driveway3' received command ON
20:10:41.029 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent     ] - Item 'Driveway1' received command ON
20:10:41.030 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - lrOSL changed from OFF to ON

openhab> bundle:list
START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
 ID β”‚ State    β”‚ Lvl β”‚ Version                β”‚ Name
 20 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ OSGi JAX-RS Connector
 21 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.7.0.v20170129-0911   β”‚ Gson: Google Json Library for Java
 22 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 18.0.0                 β”‚ Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java
 23 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.0.0.v201312141243    β”‚ Google Guice (No AOP)
 26 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.5.5                  β”‚ JmDNS
 28 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.0.0                  β”‚ Units of Measurement API
 30 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.1.0.Final            β”‚ Bean Validation API
 31 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.0.1                  β”‚
 32 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.2.0.v201101311130    β”‚ ANTLR Runtime
 35 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.2.1                  β”‚ Commons Collections
 36 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.1                    β”‚ Commons Exec
 37 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.2.0                  β”‚ Commons IO
 38 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.6                    β”‚ Commons Lang
 47 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.2.2                  β”‚ Apache Karaf :: OSGi Services :: Event
 63 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.6.0                  β”‚ Apache XBean OSGI Bundle Utilities
 64 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.6.0                  β”‚ Apache XBean :: Classpath Resource Finder
 65 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.12.0.v20160420-0247  β”‚ EMF Common
 66 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.12.0.v20160420-0247  β”‚ EMF Ecore
 67 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.11.0.v20160420-0247  β”‚ EMF Change Model
 68 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.12.0.v20160420-0247  β”‚ EMF XML/XMI Persistence
 69 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.8.0.v20160509-1230   β”‚ Common Eclipse Runtime
 70 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.6.100.v20160223-2218 β”‚ Extension Registry Support
 80 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.12.v20180830       β”‚ Jetty :: Proxy
 94 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 0.4.1.v20180515-1321   β”‚ org.eclipse.lsp4j
 95 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 0.4.1.v20180515-1321   β”‚ org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc
 96 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome OAuth2Client
 97 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Config Core
 98 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Configuration Discovery
 99 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Configuration mDNS Discovery
100 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Config Dispatcher
101 β”‚ Active   β”‚  75 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Config XML
102 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Core
103 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Core Audio
104 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Core Binding XML
105 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Core ID
106 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Core Persistence
107 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Scheduler Service
108 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Core Semantics
109 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Core Thing
110 β”‚ Active   β”‚  75 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Core Thing XML
111 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Transformation Service
112 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Core Voice
113 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Console
114 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Console for OSGi runtime Karaf
115 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome HTTP Interface Bundle
116 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome JavaSound I/O, Fragments: 183
117 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Monitor
118 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Net I/O Bundle
119 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome REST Interface Bundle
120 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Core REST API
121 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome REST mDNS Announcer
122 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome REST Interface JAX-RS optimization Bundle
123 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Sitemap REST API
124 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome SSE REST API
125 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Voice REST API
126 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Bonjour/MDS Service Discovery Bundle
127 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Web Audio Support
128 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Model Core
129 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Item Model
130 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Item Model IDE
131 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Item Model Runtime
132 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Language Server
133 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Persistence Model
134 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Persistence Model IDE
135 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Persistence Runtime
136 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Rule Model
137 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Rule Model IDE
138 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Rule Runtime
139 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Script
140 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Script Model IDE
141 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Script Runtime
142 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Sitemap Model
143 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Sitemap Model IDE
144 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Sitemap Runtime
145 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Thing Model
146 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Thing Model IDE
147 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Thing Model Runtime
148 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Json Storage Service
149 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome UI
150 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome UI Icons
151 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Classic IconSet
152 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.0.v20180522-1629  β”‚ Xtend Runtime Library
153 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.0.v20180522-1629  β”‚ Xtend Macro Interfaces
154 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.0.v20180522-1821  β”‚ Xtext
155 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.0.v20180522-1833  β”‚ Xtext Common Types
156 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.0.v20180522-1821  β”‚ Xtext IDE Core
157 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.0.v20180522-1821  β”‚ Xtext Utility
158 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.0.v20180522-1833  β”‚ Xbase Model
159 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.0.v20180522-1833  β”‚ Xbase Generic IDE Services
160 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.0.v20180522-1629  β”‚ Xbase Runtime Library
175 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.9.6                  β”‚ MIME streaming extension
177 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 6.2.0                  β”‚ org.objectweb.asm
178 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 6.2.0                  β”‚ org.objectweb.asm.commons
179 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 6.2.0                  β”‚ org.objectweb.asm.tree
180 β”‚ Active   β”‚  90 β”‚     β”‚ openHAB Core
181 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ openHAB Karaf Integration
183 β”‚ Resolved β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ openHAB Sound Support, Hosts: 116
184 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ openHAB Dashboard UI
189 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.0.2                  β”‚ Units of Measurement Common Library
190 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.0.8                  β”‚ Units of Measurement Implementation for Java SE
191 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.4.0.a32              β”‚ SynologySurveillanceStation Binding
201 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.14.0                 β”‚ nrjavaserial
202 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.15.0.OH2             β”‚ nrjavaserial
209 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.6.0                  β”‚ Commons Codec
211 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.3.0                  β”‚ Commons Net
212 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.2.3                  β”‚ Apache HttpClient OSGi bundle
213 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.2.3                  β”‚ Apache HttpCore OSGi bundle
214 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚                β”‚ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-httpclient
215 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.2.0                  β”‚ Paho MQTT Client
223 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Configuration USB-Serial Discovery
224 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Configuration USB-Serial Discovery Linux sysf Scanning
225 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Config Serial
226 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome MQTT Transport Bundle
227 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Serial Transport
228 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Serial Transport for RXTX
229 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Serial Transport extension for RXTX RFC2217
233 β”‚ Active   β”‚  75 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome RegEx Transformation Service
235 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Paper UI, Fragments: 255
245 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ openHAB 1.x Compatibility Layer
246 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ openHAB Cloud Connector Bundle
249 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ openHAB InfluxDB Persistence bundle
253 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ HABmin User Interface
255 β”‚ Resolved β”‚  75 β”‚     β”‚ openHAB Paper UI Theme Fragment, Hosts: 235
259 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ openHAB Pushover Action
263 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Automation API
264 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome hue Binding
265 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome MQTT Binding
266 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome MQTT Thing Binding
267 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Configuration UPnP Discovery
268 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome UPnP Transport Bundle
269 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.1                  β”‚ JUPnP Library
270 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ Exec Binding
271 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ Network Binding
272 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ openHAB Serial Binding
273 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ UniFi Binding
274 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ ZWave Binding
276 β”‚ Active   β”‚  75 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome JavaScript Transformation Service
279 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ Swagger Provider
280 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.4.5                  β”‚ Jackson-annotations
281 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.4.5                  β”‚ Jackson-core
282 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.4.5                  β”‚ jackson-databind
283 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.4.5                  β”‚ Jackson-dataformat-XML
284 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.4.5                  β”‚ Jackson-dataformat-YAML
285 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.4.5                  β”‚ Jackson-module-JAXB-annotations
286 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.1.0                  β”‚ json-path
287 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.5.8                  β”‚ swagger-annotations
288 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.5.8                  β”‚ swagger-core
289 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.5.8                  β”‚ swagger-jaxrs
290 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.5.8                  β”‚ swagger-models
291 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.19.0.GA              β”‚ Javassist
292 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.2                    β”‚ json-smart
293 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.2.1                  β”‚ Apache Commons Lang
294 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Astro Binding
295 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Sonos Binding
296 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome IoT Marketplace Extension Service
297 β”‚ Active   β”‚  75 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome JSonPath Transformation Service
298 β”‚ Active   β”‚  75 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Map Transformation Service
299 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ Eclipse SmartHome Basic UI, Fragments: 305
300 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ openHAB MQTT Binding
301 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ openHAB REST Documentation
302 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ openHAB MQTT Transport Bundle
303 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ openHAB MapDB Persistence Bundle
304 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ openHAB RRD4j Persistence Bundle
305 β”‚ Resolved β”‚  75 β”‚     β”‚ openHAB Basic UI Fragment, Hosts: 299
306 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ HABPanel User Interface
307 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 0.9.10.v20160429-1435  β”‚ reflections (wrap)
308 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.1.4                  β”‚ Stax2 API
309 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.5.8.v20160511-1038   β”‚ swagger-jersey2-jaxrs (wrap)
312 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚    β”‚ openHAB Expire Binding
313 β”‚ Active   β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ Nest Binding

whats with the
305 β”‚ Resolved β”‚ 75 β”‚ β”‚ openHAB Basic UI Fragment, Hosts: 299
255 β”‚ Resolved β”‚ 75 β”‚ β”‚ openHAB Paper UI Theme Fragment, Hosts: 235

nothing interesting…just items changing state then all of a sudden ZILCH.