openHAB 2.5.7 release discussion

Regarding the code fence:

My issue with Grafana happened when Grafana was rendering image using a phantomjs script…
I moved my grafana installation to a windows server insted, and have had no issue with it since :slight_smile:

Ah so thats why i didn’t see it! Its like a secret button. I assume its a glitch with the forum software that there isn’t an icon. Glad it wasn’t me.

It is, and its been there for very long… I guess noone cares. I´ve just got used to it, so I dont really pay attention anymore, (bad excuse for not mention it when I tell people to use it… sorry) :smiley:

It’s not that noone cares about, it’s just not as easy to solve as it seems. (as far as I read the postings…)

So after the update to 2.5.8 my issues seem to have gone away. 12 hours later and no memory creep.

I think it might have been related to the amazonecho control binding. which means that it could have been related to the amazon issues that just happened to be fixed.

But in any event seems to be stable again.