Openhab 2 jython support

Hi all,
I started to play with the Jython rule support: I tryed lo load 2 simple rules, and seems that the second loaded script overwrite the first one:

12:54:11.097 [INFO ] [rt.internal.loader.ScriptFileWatcher] - Loading script ''
12:54:13.065 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RuleAddedEvent      ] - Rule 'scripted_000000000000001F' has been added.
12:54:13.068 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent ] - scripted_000000000000001F updated: INITIALIZING
12:54:13.120 [INFO ] [rt.internal.loader.ScriptFileWatcher] - Loading script ''
12:54:13.130 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent ] - scripted_000000000000001F updated: IDLE
12:54:13.146 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RuleAddedEvent      ] - Rule 'scripted_000000000000001F' has been added.
12:54:13.156 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent ] - scripted_000000000000001F updated: INITIALIZING
12:54:13.161 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent ] - scripted_000000000000001F updated: IDLE
12:54:14.022 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent ] - scripted_000000000000001F updated: RUNNING
12:54:14.025 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent ] - scripted_000000000000001F updated: IDLE
12:54:15.011 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent ] - scripted_000000000000001F updated: RUNNING
12:54:15.014 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.RuleStatusInfoEvent ] - scripted_000000000000001F updated: IDLE

and I wondering from where the name


come from?

The scripts are:

1° script


class myRule(SimpleRule):
    def execute(self, modules, inputs):
        print "Hello World from Jython"

sRule = myRule()
sRule.setTriggers([Trigger("aTimerTrigger", "timer.GenericCronTrigger", Configuration({"cronExpression": "0/15 * * * * ?"}))])


2° script


class myRule01(SimpleRule):
    def execute(self, modules, inputs):
        print "BYE BYE"

sRule = myRule01()
sRule.setTriggers([Trigger("aTimerTrigger", "timer.GenericCronTrigger", Configuration({"cronExpression": "* * * * * ?"}))])


Thanks in advance.

Anyway, for want to use Jython support on windows, the following line should be added to the file “openhab2 folder\runtime\bin\karaf.bat”

set JYTHON_HOME=C:\jython2.7.0

set EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS=-Dpython.home=%JYTHON_HOME% -Dpython.path=conf\automation\jsr223 
set CLASSPATH="C:\jython2.7.0\jython.jar"