openHAB 3.0 Milestone 1 discussion

Ah… fair point, I now see the commits by @Kai that were made on 01 and 02 November.

Defining it as Number:DataTransferRate does not change a dime, but I think the recent commits by Kai will solve the issue. Btw, I am postUpdate(ing) a float value, so I am a bit lost here why the UoM is here in the first place. It is as if [%.2f Mbit/s] of the label is applied, but without limiting it to 2 decimal digits.

Can we see your events.log showing a change, please?

Aha, so it has been at one time a Quantity Item, then edited? I’m just getting suspicious about the lingering effects of that elsewhere …

What flavour was the Item when persistence created tables for it?

Indeed it should not limit decimal places - except at point of display.

And yes the units should not be picked up by updating a Number Item with a numeric only, but as you say there is something funny going on in this case.

I would really like to help in translating to italian…

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@Kai how best could this person help?

Yes, there’s an issue for that:
Once the technical preparations are clarified and done, @lrweb should be able to help on the translation on So please track the progress of that issue - thanks!

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Thanks for the direction, following from now.


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Did a quick test of OH3 :slight_smile:
What I’m missing: There is an extra configuration for influxdb, but it’s missing for jdbc (MariaDB). Now: where should I configure the SQL Server?

Isn’t there a jdbc.cfg file in you $OPENHAB_CONF/services/ directory?

No, there isn’t

But as you mentioned… I’m able to create one by myself.
This is not as nice as in openHAB2, though. openHAB2 at least did automatically create the file.

Continuing the discussion from openHAB 3.0 Milestone 1 discussion:

Since upgrading to OH3, none of my controls for buttons - ie, harmony, milight, or sliders for tradfri are working in the basic UI any more. The bindings themselves still seem to work, I can use a color picker for my milight devices, but not the buttons that allowed me to change modes, etc. I couldn’t find anything relating to this in the docs.

Switch item=espmilighthub_rgb_cct_Auto001_0x1CF13_discomode label="Mode" mappings=["1"="Cycle"] visibility=[Niche_Lights>ON] icon="rgb"

The item channel is:

In the basic UI it only displays as a switch, not a labelled button, and doesn’t work at all.


Not functional in M1

In my example the files are manually edited, the visibility function works as expected in the UI, and removing it doesn’t fix the button.

It is possible this is a bug in the binding.
I have recently learned that if a channel has options then it must be a string channel and the channel you are having an issue with is a number type with options.
Whilst it ‘worked’ in V2 it may be that the V3 engine is more strict on this.

I have working labelled buttons with mappings in BasicUI, just never tried with visibility and not on that channel, however there is a syntax error in your example.

That is only correct if it was a STRING channel and as mentioned it is currently a NUMBER channel.


Note the quotes are only used for a STRING.

Next time I am working on the binding it will get changed over to a string channel and then your syntax will be correct :slight_smile:

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Really? That doesn’t seem right. We’re talking stateDescription, or am I muddled?

Yes, that is what I was told when getting the IpCamera binding merged and the link below was given at the time. I’m guessing it has to do with the new UI creating a String item type for the channel when it sees options…

Blockquote : Some channels might have only a limited and countable set of states. These states can be specified as options. A String item must be used as item type.

EDIT: So the bottom line for someone reading that does not understand the above, is it is not a bug in V3 but the binding needs to be changed to work in V3.

I don’t know if this has already been answered, i can’t find it though.

Is there any plans on a remake of HABPanel?

I could miss an easier form for themes, since i think oh2 panel is very hard to get started with, should be more intuitive to meet all skill-levels.

Why since it is already included?

I have not tried the version 3 yet, i was just asking if there are plans to make it better, i think the current version from OH2 is useless (imho) too time consuming to get started with.

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I don’t think so. The new MainUI is pretty similar yet even more powerful than HABpanel. Just try it.