Openhab 3.1.0.M1


i can’t add things from type HM-CC-VG-1
logfile error:

2021-02-08 07:26:54.047 [ERROR] [nhab.core.thing.binding.ThingFactory] - Thing factory (class org.openhab.binding.homematic.internal.handler.HomematicThingHandlerFactory) returned null on create thing when it reports to support the thing type (homematic:HM-CC-VG-1).
2021-02-08 07:26:54.055 [WARN ] [g.discovery.internal.PersistentInbox] - Cannot create thing. No binding found that supports creating a thing of type homematic:HM-CC-VG-1.

But only for 3.1.0.M1. For 3.0.1 it works.