Openhab 3 and Tuya

Dear all, i am currently searching for wifi or zigbee smoke detectors. Zigbee smoke detectors are either expensive or not available in Germany. Wifi mostly use tuya (smart life app). Is there a working way to integrate tuya / smart life devices into openhab 3. I found some threads online but they are pretty old and for openhab 2. Dont know if these solutions are still working.

I wanted to buy a device like this (sorry german amaz*n)

HEIMAN WiFi Mini Rauchmelder, 10 Jahre Fotoelektrischem Sensor,Smart Feuermelder mit austauschbarer Lithium-Batterie,WLAN Brandmelder, EN14604 Zertifizierter Rauchwarnmelder (WS2SA-1er Set)

Thank you alot :slight_smile:

Add smarthome/J marketplace and get the Tuya binding from there.
Don‘t know if it will support your smoke detector, but works fine with my outdoor socket adapters.

If you like to fiddle around, google will give you some links how to flash tasmota to those devices.

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Thank you for the hint. I will give it a try. I also found this solution, but not sure if it is still working Tuya devices to Openhab via MQTT - a working solution (without flashing)! - #52 by Flip

I’d also recommend the SmarthomeJ binding. I’ve got it working with a ceiling light, outlets, and a water-leak detector. It just makes channels out of whatever it can get from the Tuya API.

Flashing with Tasmota has become very difficult in the past few years. Since Tuya was understandably opposed to it, they made it impossible to do an over-the-air flash with Tuya-Convert, meaning that you’d have to open up the device and connect it to USB. As well, Tuya started using non-ESP chips that are incompatible with Tasmota.

Saying all that…how good will a Tuya smoke detector be at actually detecting smoke? When it comes to life safety, I think that it’s more important to get the best detector available than the one that connects to openHAB. I have a Nest Protect, which doesn’t work with openHAB, but is generally regarded as an excellent detector.

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This was my thinking back then as well. You can find my final solution here, which relies on excellent smoke detectors which still connect to openHAB.

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I’m gonna add a direct link to your reasons for choosing Homematic, since it’s highly applicable to @sl4m.


Thank you for your recommendations. I will give it a try with the tuya devices. They are for the workshop, not for living rooms. Also they are TUV certified. So i hope it should be all right.

Does anyone know where to get the information for the tuya binding? Dont know where to get the cloud information (access id, access secret) and country code. I am using the smart life app, but I didn’t have to give a phone number.

That’s in the Github docs.

Thank you :slight_smile: i will try it tomorrow!

The binding seems to work fine. At least i have coupled an old power plug with it.
But the smoke sensor is a bad product. Tried over an hour and still its not running stable in the smart life app. You were right, really bad for a safety relevant product.
I ended up buying 3 conventional wireless connected smoke detectors. 2 will be in the workshop, 1 in the living room. Maybe not all devices have to be smart :wink:


I have installed the Tuya Binging to controll an outlet and irrigation by Rain Point. I have to migrate the “Tuya” gateway from Rain Point Application to Tuya application, and I am in the process to connect to OpenHAB, but still in progress.

On the other hand, I have build some smoke detector using MQ-x sensors and a Esp32, is very easy using EspHome to integrate with OH. There are sensors for a lot of gas types and smoke. The only problem is that aren’t calibrated, so you have to decide witch “threshold” in Voltage units is enough to set an alarm (or calibrate it, there are some tutorials over Internet).

It’s also possible that an insurance company might nullify your policy due to relying on a home-brewed smoke detector. You could get around that by supplementing your DIYs with approved smoke detectors.

I don’t mean this as a criticism of your work; I just think it’s important to mention for the benefit of future readers. Insurers don’t want to pay out if they don’t have to.

You are right, but really I am thinking more on my security that on the insurance. Probably any “domestic” detector like Xiaomi or Tuya variants aren’t also “approved” by insurance companys. Probably you have to get a detector checked and aproved with the corresponding documentation, and also have to pass any revisions every “little” time… so, probably doesn’t usable (for price mostly) for most “domestic users” (and probably also are not possible to connect to OH).

PD: Edited: I have searched for certified somke detectors in Amazon (Spain) and there are a lot and cheap (but probaly not integrable on OpenHAB).

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I do not mean to go off topic here, but I just found out that the Bosch smoke and fire zigbee sensors were added to zigbee2mqtt. Since you guys are talking about smoke sensors I figured I’d share that.
Just look for the Bosch devices in zigbee2mqtt :slight_smile:

Edit: here you go


But those need a zigbee network. This topic is about Tuya [ WiFi ] devices.

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Yes, that’s why I said I did not mean to go off topic. I only shared because chinese smoke and fire alarms make me nervous (maybe without reason but…) and these Bosch ones seemed newly added to zigbee2mqtt.
But again, I don’t want to go on an off topic, just wanted to share the sensors, in case they might be relevant (even if on a tangent.) :slight_smile:

4 posts were split to a new topic: Smarthome/J Tuya Binding for openHAB 4

Someone that can help me with the Tuya binding?
I’m currently running on OH 3.4.4.

I haved tried to follow the instructions here:
GitHub - smarthomej/addons: SmartHome/J addons for openHAB
and Tuya Binding (

I have managed to install the binding from GUI

But when I go and try to add new Things I can’t see the Tuya binding.
When I run the bundle:list in karaf the binding doesn’t show.

Does someone have good instruction what to do after the binding is installed?
( I have done all the steps on the Tuya IoT Platform already)

Has anyone tried connecting a Tuya Smart WiFi Controller for LED Strip to Openhab?
I am on OH3 and 3.4.2 version of Smarthome/J Tuya Binding. Everything works perfectly in the Tuya Smart App, but with Openhab and the Smarthome/J Tuya Binding the connection is not possible. The controller regularly goes offline / online. I have tried all protocol versions, none of them work.