openHAB 3 UI - Badges with visible-condition not loaded at first

i’ve put much time into creating custom widgets, being able to have very flexible content and also use oh-repeater to show whats going on in some rooms, dynamically.

Here you see one example where i’ve created a widget for the room “Büro”.
The green badges are ment to show whats going on in this room.
The Problem is (as you see in this gif), that sometimes some badges are not shown.

As i then once go into the “Büro”-specific page (where some other items are shown but you dont see them) and then go back, the missing Badge (“Bildschirm”) is there again.

Nothing changes, i just open a page in the web-gui and go back to the overview.
Same happens if im using the android app.
It seems like it doesnt matter what page i open, when i come back, the missing badges are there again.


The condition showing and hiding the badge is

visible: =items[props.badgeitm.split(";")[loop.int_idx]].state == props.badgecond.split(";")

wich then should be (through oh-repeater) something like

visible: =items["SckOffcPeri_Swt"].state == ON

Here the full code

uid: cLink
  - link
  - page
  - card
    - description: Text, to be shown as Link
      label: Title
      name: title
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - description: "example: cPowerConsumption"
      label: Page
      name: link
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - description: "example: /static/livingroom.jpg"
      label: Background-Image
      name: backgroundurl
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - description: "example: Off_office;Focus_office;Cinema_office;Chill_office;Party_office;"
      label: Scene List
      name: scene
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - description: "example: Fernseher;SleepTimer;"
      label: Badge Text List
      name: badgetxt
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - description: "example: tv;wifi;"
      label: Badge Icon List
      name: badgeico
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - description: "example: dSckBedRoomTv_Swt;dSckLvngRoomTv_Swt;"
      label: Badge Item List
      name: badgeitm
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - description: "example: ON;ON;"
      label: Badge Condition List
      name: badgecond
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - description: "example: green;orange;"
      label: Badge Color List
      name: badgecol
      required: false
      type: TEXT
  parameterGroups: []
timestamp: Jun 9, 2021, 10:41:21 AM
component: f7-card
    padding: 0px
    border-radius: 7px
    border-width: 1px
    border-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.2)
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px 4px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)
  outline: true
    - component: f7-card-content
          height: 100px
          padding: 0px
          background-image: ='url(' + props.backgroundurl + ')'
          background-size: cover
          background-postion: center
          border-radius: inherit
          - component: oh-button
              position: absolute
              action: navigate
              actionPage: ='page:' +
              actionPageTransition: f7-circle
              border-radius: inherit
                --f7-button-bg-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
                --f7-button-hover-bg-color: transparent
                --f7-button-pressed-bg-color: white
                height: 100%
                width: 100%
                top: 0px
                left: 0px
                padding: 0px
                border-radius: inherit
                - component: oh-button
                      height: 100%
                      width: 100%
                      background: linear-gradient(20deg, rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0.5)5%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 30%,rgba(255,255,255,0) 70%,rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 95%, rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 100%)
          - component: Label
              text: "=(props.title) ? props.title :"
                position: absolute
                font-size: 40px
                color: rgba(0,0,0,0.7)
                bottom: 0px
                left: 10px
                font-weight: bold
                pointer-events: none
                no-shadow: false
                text-shadow: 0px 0px 15px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
          - component: oh-button
              visible: "=(props.scene != NULL) ? true : false"
              action: popup
              actionModal: widget:listScenes
                scenestr: =props.scene
                position: absolute
                right: 5px
                top: 5px
                width: 50px
                height: 50px
                padding: 0px
                --f7-button-hover-bg-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5)
                display: flex
                justify-content: center
                flex-wrap: wrap
                - component: f7-icon
                    f7: slider_horizontal_3
                    color: black
                    size: 30px
    - component: oh-repeater
        for: int
        sourceType: array
        in: =props.badgetxt.split(";")
        fragment: true
          - component: f7-badge
              visible: =items[props.badgeitm.split(";")[loop.int_idx]].state == props.badgecond.split(";")[loop.int_idx]
              textColor: black
              color: =props.badgecol.split(";")[loop.int_idx]
                - component: oh-button
                    visible: =(props.badgeico.split(';')[loop.int_idx] != 'NULL')
                    iconF7: =props.badgeico.split(";")[loop.int_idx]
                    iconSize: 13px
                    color: black
                      padding: 0px
                - component: Label
                    visible: =props.badgetxt.split(';')[loop.int_idx] != 'NULL'
                    text: =props.badgetxt.split(";")[loop.int_idx]

Can anyone tell me, if my widget is too complex, if there are some limitations in how many operations can be done or if its a bug?


When I was tinkering around with the widgets and visibility of items, it helped me a lot to put the condition into

- component: Label
        text: =items[props.badgeitm.split(";")[loop.int_idx]].state == props.badgecond.split(";")

With that you can at least see what happens. And - with complex statements, I often had to use quotes around the expressions - you could try that as well:

visible: '=items[props.badgeitm.split(";")[loop.int_idx]].state == props.badgecond.split(";")'

Thanks @Tetsuo
But i think everything is working well, due to the fact, that no item state changes but sometimes the Badge is not there.

Every time i reload my overview-page i get the frontail log message:

Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist

In this post
there is the information, that this should be caused by having components in widgets, with item-definition but the item is not correclty defined.

In my case this is exactly what should cause this message, because im using always strings like:


and im splitting them by “;”
This can lead to have (in the upper example) in array-cell 4 a empty cell.

Thats why (i think):

  1. oh-repeater creates a badge with a not defined item-link
  2. via “visible” config i supress this badge to show up

But for sure its there and can cause the error, but you can’t see it.
Maybe this is a interruption in creating all the items?

Now it gets a little bit off topic:
Can anyone tell me how to use the “filter” option for oh-repeater to only show badges, as defined in my visible-config defined in the badge-configstrong text

I didn’t get it working, since i need the int_idx etc
I would need something like this line of code:
(As you know, the current “visible”-line is not placed at oh-Repeater, but at the badge-component)
(The shown line does NOT work)

- component: oh-repeater
       filter: '(items["lTop_Str"].state.split(";")[loop.int_idx] !== "" && items["lTop_Str"].state.split(";")[loop.int_idx] !== "NULL")'

Without your complete code it’s dificult to tell you whats wrong with your filter, but you can try if this helps you:

uid: tetsuo-repo-oh3-widget-repeater-filter-example
tags: []
component: f7-card
    - component: oh-repeater
        for: room
        in: =["Büro", "Schlafzimmer", "Wohnzimmer", ]
        fragment: true
          - component: oh-label-cell

String split didn’t work in my test, and the filter: is the short version of filter: !== undefined

Hope it helps

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Oh, and what I forgot to mention: Be careful with comparisons like that.

You’re using the type safe !== comparison - “NULL” is a string. so this will always be true, no matter what your left part of the comparison is. (as long as it is not “NULL” :wink: )

1 Like

I hope I can check this in the coming days!

Thanks very much!
This worked, helped to make my code much more cleaner and now i do not have the frontail message

Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist

anymore! → Very nice!

But it still seems like there are badges missing when i initially load the overview-page.
As i go to another page via navigate-action and back → The Badges appear (as in gif above)

I will further investigate on this and try to post some informations here.
But im still not sure if the problem can be solved by myself or if its a bug.

Glad it was helpful.

I’d first try to split and iterate over the items you are using for your badges and not another string that is not directly related to the items - maybe there is a mismatch “on start”.

Second I’d just add the item states for the badges as labels - always visible for debug purposes - so you can see if it is a problem in the iterator, or maybe some runtime condition with your items and they also don’t show up in the labels.

Good luck! :wink:

Now i had time to check this again:

  • Now i dont get any message like this “Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn’t exist”
  • I tried to replace each and every visible condition by using the filter option

For this special Widget (Big Buttons for each room) i am generating all badges, but show them only if the item state is for example ON
This way i think all badges are generated always, but not visible if the condition is not given

I just added now labels to show the result of the visible-condition for the badges:

  • As you see at “Büro”, there are two times the Labels: true → Which should lead to two shown badges
  • If i then open a random page “Aufgaben” (which has nothing to do with related items or something) and go back, the badge is shown …

I added

          - component: Label
              text: =items[props.badgeitm.split(";")[loop.int_idx]].state == props.badgecond.split(";")[loop.int_idx]

And here in the complete oh-repeater-part you see, that i use exactly this condition for the badge-visible condition

    - component: oh-repeater
        for: int
        sourceType: array
        in: =props.badgetxt.split(";")
        filter: != ""
        fragment: true
          - component: Label
              text: =items[props.badgeitm.split(";")[loop.int_idx]].state == props.badgecond.split(";")[loop.int_idx]
          - component: f7-badge
              visible: =items[props.badgeitm.split(";")[loop.int_idx]].state == props.badgecond.split(";")[loop.int_idx]
              textColor: black
              color: =props.badgecol.split(";")[loop.int_idx]
                justify-content: center
                - component: f7-icon
                    f7: =props.badgeico.split(";")[loop.int_idx]
                    size: 15px
                    color: black
                - component: Label

And again:
Nothing changes regarding item-states … im just opening a page and go back via mouse-back-button

So this must me some kind of “initial graphical” issue?

I’d first try to split and iterate over the items you are using for your badges and not another string that is not directly related to the items - maybe there is a mismatch “on start”.

Im not sure if i understand what you want me to do. For this badge, which is pre-configured via widget-props, i have to use other strings (than the loop-string) to decide if i want to show the badge or not

Currently im on " openHAB 3.1.0.M5" → Do you think i should go back to main and try again? → I dont think this will solve the issue

i wanted to highlight that

  • Error is still present
  • I think the shown gif shows, that my condition is true, which should lead to create two badges, but it doesnt

Has anyone suggetions what i can do?
Should i create an issue on Git or are there things i can try?