openHAB 4.0 SNAPSHOT discussion

Have some issues since yesterday with IPCAMERA binding

sending a picture if someone rings on door

rule "Haustuer Foto"
   Item Haustuer_Klingel changed to ON
	{val telegramAction = getActions("telegram","telegram:telegramBot:Telegram_Bot")
	telegramAction.sendTelegramPhoto("", "Haustür")

Haustür:Download failed with status 500
calling the URL from browser result:

HTTP ERROR 500 java.lang.IllegalStateException: !asyncSupported: NotAsync:org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.servlet.OsgiInitializedServlet@536b0858
URI:	/ipcamera/192168493/ipcamera.jpg
MESSAGE:	java.lang.IllegalStateException: !asyncSupported: NotAsync:org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.servlet.OsgiInitializedServlet@536b0858
SERVLET:	org.openhab.binding.ipcamera.internal.servlet.CameraServlet
CAUSED BY:	java.lang.IllegalStateException: !asyncSupported: NotAsync:org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.servlet.OsgiInitializedServlet@536b0858
Powered by Jetty:// 9.4.50.v20221201

not sure if it is related but happens since upgrade yesterday

Looks like a similar problem as the one we got with jupnp last weekend. Same error.

Just to count it up, there are currently 32 open PRs for new addons. Legitimately some (about 8 from what I I can count) are stale and need attention. About half of the rest are sitting at a point where they need to get reviewed, some for the first time, some by the “Add-ons Maintainers” group, and some getting close to the year mark. Some are just needing modification to the 4.0.0 changes (addon.xml for example) but were otherwise reviewed and ready.

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I don’t think the discussion about review times is connected to OH4 snapshots.


Do you have more than one camera? It works fine for me.

Plesse don’t misunderstand, my point was only in response to the suggestion of moving to drop a milestone. While significant work has been done and merged since the 3.4.0 release, there is significant work that has also been done on the addons side that’s pending merge which should be considered for inclusion as well that’s just pending review. As it sits right now, there have been no new bindings merged in for 4.0.0.

Ok, thank you all for your feedback - I’ll then make sure to do the milestone build by the end of the week, since it seems we have reached again a fairly stable status with it.
@morph166955 I agree that the add-on PR queue is an issue and that we should do our best to include as many as possible in the final 4.0.0 release, but as @J-N-K says, it is not really related to the milestone builds - for these, it is important to have PRs merged that fix regressions, so that the milestones are more stable than a “usual” snapshot build. Newly added add-ons are rather a candidate for being merged after doing a milestone.


Thank you for the clarification @Kai. Again please don’t misunderstand, I’m very appreciative and understanding of the effort that’s gone into the updates over the last few months. I just like several others have been struggling to maintain multiple branches on our side (to not complicate our pending PRs but continue to do development on the new bindings) while keeping up with the core changes (like the addon.xml changes) and with the (absolutely necessary) updates to java and karaf. It’s been complicated with all of that to keep the marketplace sane and usable for end users on across the novice-to-expert spectrum. Standing by here on the AndroidTV Binding and thank you again to all!


same issue for other cams !

Does anyone have Google Cloud Text-to-Speech working on a 4.0.0-SNAPHOT install?

I get errors as outlined here:

But reverting to 3.4.2 and it all works?

I am happy and wating for a review from yourside for changes in my binding…

@4u2fast I’ve created a small fix 4u. :slight_smile:


Google TTS is working on my 4.0 system, my build is probably 3 or 4 days old.

With snapshot build 3358, am I the only one not being able to see “Channel Details” in Main UI?

Click - then nothing:

I tried on a “clean” SNAPSHOT - 3357 with ONLY Google TTS installed and that worked. Will try upgrade to 3357 and see what happens. Thanks for the response.

I think that #1683 caused these details to be removed from the channel edit page (channel-edit.vue).

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My PR refactored the detail sheet into its own component, which works fine if I test it.
I think something must be wrong with the loading, the channel-general-settings component doesn’t show its content if ready is not true.

@laursen Does the browser console or the network tab show something?

working perfect ! Thanks for fast solution :heart_eyes:

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I will check this when I’m home from work, but probably it will be too late for M1. For reference:

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Does this also affect channel configuration? In that case it would be a blocking for M1.