openHAB 4.0 wishlist

  1. More “drag and move” mechanics. For example, setting up a dashboard is a bit convoluted. Let me drag, drop, resize the widgets around.
    Or when setting up the semantic model, iirc (haven’t played too much with it yet) there’s some fiddling there as well to get things in the right order.

  2. User management. A way to add more users with different basic permissions. I know I can do it in cli. Need it in gui as well.
    E.g.: add wife to allow her to create her own dashboards, with her own user account. She wouldn’t need to add or configure bindings, but creating items and mess with the semantic model would be required. Or better yet, aside from a couple basic roles, allow me to create roles and set them up as I require.

  3. a standard and simpler solution for high availability. Yes I can use proxmox and such, but in my head I think it would make more sense to have openhab be responsible for its own solution.

  4. (new!) A simpler way of using the state description pattern through the Main UI to pick, choose and display units, that do not require using special characters. E.g.: if I want to display my units in watts, let me choose through a list menu, drop-down menu of similar, and have the unit automagically appear in the item/dashboard/mainUI etc.

  5. (new!) linked to previous topic:
    Add a link to the relevant documentation to help those who might not be familiar with it. E.g.:
    *) metadata / state description : link to UoM documentation
    *) rules menu : link to rules documentation
    If there is a relevant documentation page, it should be accessible through the UI (just like the bindings and widgets are. Which btw, excellent work)