openHAB 4.0 wishlist

I wrote some time ago a feature request for implementing formal relations between entities (items, things, channels) and to be able via relations to make complex generic rules. Here the issue: Feature request: A way to create relations between items · Issue #1740 · openhab/openhab-core · GitHub

A side question - if I decide to create a small improvement for an addon that usually I support and I wrote, which branch should I aim for - 4.0 or 3.x will still have room for such improvements?

Best regards,

My understanding right now is that unlike the change from OH 2 to OH 3, we are not going to have an extended period where 3.4 is maintained in parallel with 4.0. I believe we are on track for a June release of 4.0. So I would say to target 4.0.

But that’s just an assumption. I don’t know that’s official policy.

Frankly… the only problem I see is the JVM required version. Will try to install the new JVM 17 on the with the old karaf version and let’s see if it works. Thanks!

Thank you for the tip!
For a temporary solution it’s okay I guess.
Compared to a table-view solution it’s still a bit clunky (e.g. just update the table and hit update)
Since there is a database and some kind of table-view already in the UI (to display the items and things) it might be easy to implement? (Just guessing here, most probably it’s just “easy” at first glance)

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Yes Rich,
this is exactly what I mean. LDAP is just an option as for many setups the current method is sufficient.
So we are two finding this useful :slight_smile:

I did an updated version of the tutorial. However, it left me only with a partly operational editor. There are some issues that need to be fixed.

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Hi everyone,

Can you fix the loss of the first characters in the openhab log files( after [error] [missing characters y.upnp…]
2023-01-13 10:46:34.124 [ERROR] [y.upnp.internal.UpnpDiscoveryService] - Could not restart UPnP network components.
and is it possible to have additional info on witch binding, item, thing, … the error is referring. Would be easier to fix the error.

Also nice to have in the addons documentation to know if a binding is local (no internet), mixed or need internet connection.


That’s not an error and by design because you have to restrict this part of a debug message to some length, and albeit I myself also wonder at times what’s missing in front it’s better to have the tail rather than the head of the full string visible

You can change that yourself in /var/lib/openhab/log4j2.xml
PatternLayout line.

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I asked the same question a while ago. As OH is now using Vue, why not use Vuex, or Pinia to store state?

The rules run on the server side and not in the frontend, so Vuex isn’t helpful IMHO.


Unless I’m mistaken, Vue is only used by HABPanal. But even if it is used by MainUI, that won’t help because rules run on the server in Java, not JavaScript

Rich, Vue is definitely used in the MainUI (I know for sure)


To be more precise: It is not a real problem with rendering but a problem with some widgets like the thermostat widget from the market place which are designed a way that they need more space then available on a quite small phone display, leading to overlapping elements, elements partly outside of sight and text just cut off (especially when two cells are displayed in the same line and get too small for the full text). You can optimize everything for the phone in a way that there is never more then one cell/widget in a line, but such pages get very long on the PC screen. Main UI is nice but quite consuming in space on the screen and it is not easy to find the right compromise using it on the big screen and the mobile.

It would be cool and great if Thing actions were directly available from the GUI in the Thing page.


Explain more what you mean by this. That the Actions are listed somehow or documented somehow or that you want to be able to trigger/activate an Action from the Things page?

If the latter, wouldn’t it make more sense to be able to directly call Actions from UI rules directly without needing to create a Script Action? I’m not sure why someone would want to trigger an action from the Things page except for testing.

I also wish support for Matter.
I would like it to work in both ways.
First to use Matter things in OpenHAB, but i also that OpenHAB is an Matter Bridge with possibility to publish legacy things to Matter network,

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Yes, the latter. Things actions can go unnoticed when people don’t dive in documentation. So I see two entry points :

  1. from the Thing page as an indication of their existence, eventually triggerable if no parameter is needed
  2. from UI rules directly (it did exist in PaperUI IIRW and disappeared in MainUI).

…and for sure, for testing because it’s easier than having to create a rule/script to trigger an action.


I can explain how I understood glhopitals suggestion, and what I think would be a good change.

Today you create a thing. It has several channels. But you have to create Items for each of them before you get any look&feel for what they contain and how they can be used. If you create items, it is tedious to create for everything, and you end up with lots of garbage items for channels you don’t need.

Being able to experiment with a thing before creating the channels would make it easier to start using the thing and understanding which channels you should use.

Think control page of OH2, but showing also unlinked channels.

(I understand that there are complicating factors here like channels that aren’t computed unless they are linked and defaults for which profile to use.)

It existed but didn’t work and was eventually removed in the 2.3 timeframe I think (I filed the issue complaining that if they don’t work they shouldn’t be shown it wasn’t me but I participated in the discussion). There is an open issue I think to bring them back but I’m not sure of it’s status. I do see that the Cloud Connector notification Actions are available (you have to click on “show all” to see them though) but other Thing actions are not yet available there.

This is something completely different. Thing Actions are completely independent from and their use is completely different from Channels and Items. Actions are basically functions that can be called from Rules to do something/get information that the binding provides.

The best workflow for this today would be to use “Create Equipment from Thing”. You can select all the Channels or just pick the ones you may be interested in, and create all the Items in one go.

Later on, you can individually add/remove Items/Channels using “Create Points from Thing”.

If you need to start over from scratch, you can from the Thing’s Channels tab use “Unlink and remove Items” to get rid of all the Items linked to that Thing and then use “Create Equipment from Thing” again to recreate those you need with the changes you want.

Actually, many (most) bindings do not even collect/generate data for Channels that are not Linked so this would require a pretty big change across the board I think.

The REST endpoint for this was added in [rest] Allow invoking ThingActions via API by J-N-K · Pull Request #2810 · openhab/openhab-core · GitHub. Only the UI part is missing.

Can you please link me that issue?

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