I’m pretty happy with OH (Compliments to all the maintainers and the community!), so my list is short.
It’s about simplification of basic tasks when it comes to problem solving, setting up and keeping the solution running:
- A simple way to set a bindings logging into e.g. DEBUG mode from the UI. This way we could avoid explaining how to do this in the console over and over again.
- “Backup” button that does backup the whole config ( or selectable parts) and provides a http-download as a result
- “Restore” button - restore a backup that was done using the “Backup” button
- A consistency report/check that, as result, shows where e.g. in the UI items are referenced, or where there a links to channels that are no longer available. Very often the log does not not provide useful information as the items name is not shown. A global text search for items, things, channels etc would be helpful as well.
For me those topics have been missing since the beginning and should be part of the solution to make it more user friendly - a need to dig into the console keeps users away.
I know about setting up a backup with e.g. Amanda, but in the end this would simplify it for new users to try out things and reset to a previous state a lot.
Same is true for setting log levels, this is very often the first thing when running into issues with a binding and for new users it always ends up in the console - goal should be to flatten the initial learning curve and to make things more user friendly.
Getting a consistency report will help to figure out what is wrong in which place without the need for lucky guessing.