November 19, 2024, 1:22am
Good morning,
my heater thermostats dont show up with there current temperature anymore, value stays during the whole day the same.
when I stop the thing and re-initialize it polls the updated values. Then I change the set temperature on the thermostat and it does not update in Openhab again. Also when I click on “save” on the thing it will poll the new values and settings.
Very frustrating again
(Sönke Küper)
November 26, 2024, 9:04pm
i have recently fixed a Bug that might be the cause:
opened 12:04PM - 26 Jun 24 UTC
closed 01:54PM - 28 Aug 24 UTC
## Expected Behavior
The configuration values for IP-Adresses and ports should … be validated/automatically trimmed, so that an invalid configuration is not possible.
## Current Behavior
If the Callback-IP contains one or more blanks at the beginning or the end the thing goes online, but there occours an error on the CCU3 and no values are updated any more in openHAB.
## Possible Solution
- Validate, that IP and Port does not contains white-Spaces
- remove whitespaces from ip and configuration before usage.
## Steps to Reproduce (for Bugs)
1. Create CCU Thing
2. Configure Callback-URL with Whitespace
3. Thing States will not be updated
## Context
I've some homematic components, for example a sensor that shows, if the garage door is closed.
But the values for this won't be updated any more, when the configuration is invalid.
## Your Environment
version: 4.1.3
buildString: Release Build
locale: de-DE
configFolder: /etc/openhab
userdataFolder: /var/lib/openhab
logFolder: /var/log/openhab
javaVersion: 17.0.5
javaVendor: Eclipse Adoptium
javaVendorVersion: Temurin-17.0.5+8
osName: Linux
osVersion: 6.1.39-v7l+
osArchitecture: arm
availableProcessors: 4
freeMemory: 58138160
totalMemory: 456130560
uptime: 3261
startLevel: 100
- automation-jsscripting
- binding-astro
- binding-avmfritz
- binding-denonmarantz
- binding-deutschebahn
- binding-ecovacs
- binding-exec
- binding-heos
- binding-homematic
- binding-icalendar
- binding-modbus
- binding-mqtt
- binding-netatmo
- binding-network
- binding-ntp
- binding-tankerkoenig
- binding-tradfri
- persistence-influxdb
- persistence-rrd4j
- transformation-jsonpath
- transformation-map
- transformation-regex
- transformation-scale
- ui-basic
ios: false
android: false
androidChrome: false
desktop: true
iphone: false
ipod: false
ipad: false
edge: false
ie: false
firefox: false
macos: false
windows: true
cordova: false
phonegap: false
electron: false
nwjs: false
webView: false
webview: false
standalone: false
os: windows
pixelRatio: 1.5
prefersColorScheme: light
isSecureContext: true
locationbarVisible: true
menubarVisible: true
cookieEnabled: true
deviceMemory: 8
hardwareConcurrency: 8
language: de-DE
- de-DE
- de
- en-US
- en
onLine: true
platform: Win32
width: 2560
height: 1440
colorDepth: 24
touch: false
pointerEvents: true
observer: true
passiveListener: true
gestures: false
intersectionObserver: true
dark: light
filled: true
pageTransitionAnimation: default
bars: filled
homeNavbar: default
homeBackground: default
expandableCardAnimation: default
userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,
like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
timestamp: 2024-06-26T12:03:40.950Z
If you specify the IP address or Port and this contains a whitespace the ccu cant send updates.
If this doesnt help, Check the Firewall settings on your ccu. The ccu log may contain helpful information too.