openHAB 4.3 Release Discussion

I know more about % vs. dvh now, so it’s not a type :sweat_smile: sorry for that. But I have no idea why it is not rendering properly on the ipad. It seems like it has the wrong Viewport it refers the 100dvh to. Strange…

Ok, this is a good idea to apply the 100% to the popups. Do you have an idea how to apply the 100% to the popup? I’m using oh-link as component as I’m not able to open a page with the f7-popup.

This is how I open the page:

          - component: oh-link
              action: popup
              actionModal: page:WaermepumpeLeistungsanforderung
                height: 100%
                left: 0
                position: absolute
                top: 0
                width: 100%

@florian-h05, the best what I came up with is using a stylesheet like this to manipulate the css-variable --oh-chart-page-height

  stylesheet: |
    .device-ios .oh-chart-page-chart {
    --oh-chart-page-height: calc(100% - var(--f7-safe-area-top) - var(--f7-safe-area-bottom) - var(--f7-navbar-height))

This is a direct copy from the Stylesheet from the page from which I open the Popup. But this stylesheet is ignored. I can inject Styles into the :root section of the page, but this cannot be changed.
Any idea what I might oversee here?


You can very likely not change that in the bundled code.
I will try to have a look at this the next days, it needs to be fixed in the source code.

Blockly does not snap time blocks. I can hear the snap sound, but it does not connect.

This is the generated code:'rule bathroom 1F Light start');
if (items.getItem('Switch_Ignore_Sunshine').state == 'OFF') {'rule bathroom 1F Ignore Sunshine OFF');
} else if (0 > items.getItem('Local_Sun_Data_15minutes_Start_Time').state) {'rule bathroom 1F Ignore Sunshine ON and time');

You have to use “is before” or “is between” blocks to compare date times which can be found under the Dates and Times category.

It’s not snapping because a date time is not a valid type for the generic comparison block.


@JanvK I have created a PR to fix that: Chart page: Fix wrong height inside popups, popovers & sheets on iOS by florian-h05 · Pull Request #2991 · openhab/openhab-webui · GitHub

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@florian-h05 Thank you very much. Looks really good :slight_smile:

Until it is merged, I could solve it by using a little JS-code snippet within one of my widgets which changes the style. Of course not the most elegant solution, but it does the trick :rofl:

    - component: script
        content: >
          function () {if(document.querySelector('.device-ios
          .oh-chart-page-chart')) {document.querySelector('.device-ios
          'calc(100% - var(--f7-safe-area-top) - var(--f7-safe-area-bottom) -

TIL about component: script!
Is this documented somewhere?

Well, I mainly build this based on this post: Other eChart Types possible? If yes how? - #11 by JustinG

In this thread @JustinG mentioned that it is not advertised nor officially supported, so I guess the answer to your question is no :wink:

No — it works for now, but it’s not unlikely that it gets removed because it effectively allows remove code execution if you have access to the UI components REST API.

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I’m a long-time happy openHAB user and just upgraded from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1.
My problem applies to both versions:

After having added a discovered thing from the inbox, I can add items with the thing > channels > “Add link to item…” > “Create new item”.
However, on this dialogue “Link channel to item” all offerings to also use a specific profile (e.g. Debounce, Round etc) are greyed out :frowning:
This happens to things from several bindings, and no matter whether the thing is configured from a file or was added after auto-discovery.

Since this is such a generic problem, I’m wondering whether nobody else has it?
(BTW: The round profile can be added and works fine when used in my file-based configuration.)

This was a UI bug that has recently been fixed. I think it should be in 4.3.2.

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Just upgraded my openhab from 4.0.4 to 4.3.1 and now some charts are looking strange. I’m using Chart in BasicUI sitemap:

E.g. I have a chart showing the daily gas consumption of the last month. Values are from rrd4j. Every night the value is updated with the consumption of the previous day.

Chart item=Consum_Gas24h period=M refresh=300000

The chart for one month (period=M) now looks like this, somehow it is interpolating:


If I switch the chart period to show the values of the past two weeks only chart looks as it was in the older openhab versions and in my eyes it is correctly displayed:


Is it a bug or did I miss some configuration change I have to do?

The new log viewer introduced with this release doesnˋt work on Safari or Chrome with iOS 15.7 - there is just a blank screen.
With iOS 18 and MacOS Sonoma it works.

Might be also relevant for here Question Regarding Persistence Exclution Strategy

Amazon Binding does not update state of echo devices.
I’ve upgraded from 4.2.1 to 4.3.2. Now the Amazon Binding doesn’t automatically update the state of item channels anymore.
Only way to get updated states - like timers - is to stop and restart the amazonechocontrol thing.
Tried uninstall binding, restarting openhab, reinstall binding. Doesn’t work anymore.

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I can confirm that, using the Smarthome/J Amazon Echo Control Binding on openHAB 4.3.2:

251 │ Active │  80 │    │ SmartHome/J Add-ons :: Bundles :: Amazon Echo Control Binding
252 │ Active │  80 │    │ SmartHome/J Add-ons :: Bundles :: Common Components
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Switching to the official binding fixed it for me:

344 │ Active │ 80 │ 4.3.2 │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Amazon Echo Control Binding

Thanks, but not for me. I have it already installed:

335 │ Active │  80 │ 4.3.2                 │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Amazon Echo Control Binding

First of all, thanks for the new release. Good job.

Since I have migrate to 4.3 I experience the following exception. Never have seen this in all previous 4.x releases. Obviously this happens when database updates and queries are execute in parallel. Any idea how to solve this? Btw I am using sqlite.

org.openhab.persistence.jdbc.internal.exceptions.JdbcSQLException: Error in SQL query!!!; [SQLITE_BUSY] The database file is locked (database is locked) Query: SELECT time, value FROM dietzenbach_tagestiefsttemperatur_0262 WHERE TIME>=‘2025-01-13 00:00:00’ AND TIME<=‘2025-01-13 18:48:24’ ORDER BY time ASC Parameters: ; Pool Name= yank-default; SQL= SELECT time, value FROM dietzenbach_tagestiefsttemperatur_0262 WHERE TIME>=‘2025-01-13 00:00:00’ AND TIME<=‘2025-01-13 18:48:24’ ORDER BY time ASC
at org.openhab.persistence.jdbc.internal.db.JdbcBaseDAO.doGetHistItemFilterQuery( ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.persistence.jdbc.internal.JdbcMapper.getHistItemFilterQuery( ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.persistence.jdbc.internal.JdbcPersistenceService.query( ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.core.persistence.extensions.PersistenceExtensions.internalGetAllStatesBetween( ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.core.persistence.extensions.PersistenceExtensions.internalChangedBetween( ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.core.persistence.extensions.PersistenceExtensions.changedBetween( ~[?:?]