Openhab cloud documentation / proxy acces

Hello All,

I would like to know if there is more internal architecture documentation about Openhab Cloud.
On github, we can find a high level architecture schema : GitHub - openhab/openhab-cloud: Cloud companion for openHAB instances.

But I can’t find internal developer documentation about each module.
I’m more particulary interest about the remote proxy acces, secure app acces & authentification / authorization modules.

What I currently try to achieve is to add a more generic incoming redirect UI for binding that need them.

Today some bindings use incoming redirect uri to receive notifications / updates from remote API. This is the case for exemple for HomeConnect and Smartthings binding. For those binding, you generally have to setup a public domain to access your openhab instance.

Openhab cloud can also act as a proxy to your openhab instance using the uri. What I don’t understand so far is how authentification on this end point is handle in case of non interactive session.

When you acces, openhab is asking for username / password to allow access.

But when this endpoint is called from automation with no http session / context, how could we handle the authentification, and prevent a 401 / UNAUTHORIZED error.

Does we need to setup oauth2 scheme to handle this ? and how ?
Or do we have other more simple solution that I miss ?


wouldn’t you use openHAB API tokens | openHAB then ?

Hi Wolfgang,

I’ve give it a try this morning, but still have openhab cloud popup asking for user/password.

In fact, i’m not sure to undestand how it can work, I don’t see in openhab cloud source anything related to support API token as a way to authenticate. Did I miss something ?
