January 6, 2025, 7:52pm
After upgrading to 4.3.1 I immediately notice some of my rules were duplicated by OpenHAB with tmp_ prefix. I have double checked the rules text files and there is no duplicate.
Anybody know how to get rid of the tmp rules (screenshot attached)?
Many thanks!
(Rich Koshak)
January 6, 2025, 7:59pm
That’s new. do you see a log statement in openhab.log where the file is read and do you see only one entry per file or two?
January 6, 2025, 8:10pm
Here is a similar case, solution was to remove old marketplace bindings:
Hi, I do experience a problem since I upgraded from 3.4 to 4.1.1. The error message is as following:
Script execution of rule with UID 'tmp_garage-8 ’ failed: ‘publishMQTT’ is not a member of ‘null’; line 144, column 3, length 67 in tmp_garage
However, there is no tmp_garage.rules - file. Never the less, the “tmp_”-rule shows up as a duplicate under “rules”.
There is a garage.rules file with the following rule
rule “Poll garadget status via MQTT” …
January 7, 2025, 5:35am
Hi thank you both for replying! A restart seems to help in my case, not sure what caused it though.