OpenHAB Exec Binding explained in detail on 433MHz radio transmitter example

Hi Josar,

thanks for your quick reply and sorry I didn’t post my whole configuration. Let me do this now:

My config is like this: I have a QNAP-NAS on which I installed a virtual machine running Debian stretch. There is my openHAB-Installation and the MQTT-broker (mosquitto). The raspi with the 433MHz sender and receiver is in another room nearby a window to receive codes which has been sent by the original remote control and to send codes for the LED-strip.

The reason for the different code in 433MHz_TX.rules is just not to run into the IF in 433MHz_RX.rules:

    switch MQTT_data.state {
      // LED-Steuerung Terrasse ON/OFF=5234687
        case "5234687":  {
                        if (MQTT_Remote.state == OFF) {
                        } else {

Here are the items/sitemap and things:


String MQTT_data "MQTT says: [%s]" {mqtt="<[mymosquitto:433MHz:state:default]"}
Switch MQTT_Remote
Switch Remote_CodeSend      { channel="exec:command:remote-codesend:run"    }
String Remote_CodeSend_Args { channel="exec:command:remote-codesend:input"  }
String Remote_CodeSend_Out  { channel="exec:command:remote-codesend:output" }


    Frame label="RF-Sensor"
        Text item=MQTT_data
        Switch item=MQTT_Remote


Thing exec:command:remote-codesend [
            command="ssh pi@ /home/pi/433Utils/RPi_utils/codesend %2$s",

I run the codesend-command on the raspi via ssh! I also tried to do this as user openhab on my QNAP - this works.

I will change the code in codesend.cpp now and let you now :slight_smile:

Thanks again for your help!


Hello again,

I just did the modification of codesend.cpp:

    if (pulseLength != 0) mySwitch.setPulseLength(pulseLength);

    mySwitch.send(code, 24);

    return 0;

But when I run codesend now, the sniffer doesn’t detect a code…


What kind of transmitter and receiver are you using. I have TX and RX on different pins as I use to devices. So I receive what I transmitt. I could imagine that a combined transciever connected to one pin does not work, as the pin can not decode while encoding.

Hi Josar,

I do have the same config. 2 seperate modules (RX and TX):

on 2 different pins:

PIN 11: GPIO17 => Data TX
PIN 13: GPIO27 => Data RX

And yes, I do receive what I send.



Hi Josar,

after changhing and compiling codesend.cpp with mySwitch.setRepeatTransmit(1), RFSniffer doesn’t detect a code anymore when I send a code via codesend. Before RFSniffer detected everything I sent via codesend.


Just a shoutout to all of you guys installing this binding with the latest openhab release.
I didn’t need to change any users/permissions.
My setup: Latest openhabian on a raspberry.
so what you do is really quite simple:

  1. Install wiringpi
  2. Install raspberry-remote
  3. Navigate to the folder where you installed it and try it with ./send XXXXX X X (X is for your house code)
    if they work your good to go to openhab

Install the Exec Binding.

Thing exec:command:remote-send [
	command="/home/openhabian/raspberry-remote/send %2$s",

My case at least.
Then Make up your items. My example:

Group gFunk
Switch Power_Plug_Socket_1 "Gartenpumpe" (gFunk)
Switch Power_Plug_Socket_2 "Laterne" (gFunk)
Switch Power_Plug_Socket_3  "Flur oben" <light> (gFunk)
Switch Power_Plug_Socket_ALL "Alle Funksteckdosen" (gFunk)

Switch Remote_Send      { channel="exec:command:remote-send:run"    }
String Remote_Send_Args { channel="exec:command:remote-send:input"  }
String Remote_Send_Out  { channel="exec:command:remote-send:output" }

And last: Make a rule to switch them on/off:

rule "Single Plug"
   Item Power_Plug_Socket_1 received command or
   Item Power_Plug_Socket_2 received command or
   Item Power_Plug_Socket_3 received command 
logInfo("File", + " auf " + receivedCommand)

    try {
      // lock transmitter so other executed rules don't use it at the same time
      val num ="Power_Plug_Socket_").get(1) 
      if(receivedCommand == ON){
        Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand("11111 " + num +" 1")
        Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand("11111 " + num +" 0")

      // wait for the command to complete
      while(Remote_Send.state != OFF){
      // multiple trigger do not work if there is no break here
      // maybe external skript needs some time to properly free resources.
      logInfo("Power_Plug", Remote_Send_Out.state.toString.replaceAll("\r|\n"," ") )

    }catch(Throwable t) {}
    finally {

And youre done. Actually quite straight forward.
I know that around a your ago when I initially set up openhab it took me ages to fiddle with sudoers and all that user stuff I had no idea of…

1 Like

Dear everybody,

I am facing currently the issue that from time to time my transceiver is not sending commands to my 433 plugs. I then have to restart OH / or the pi. Then it works fine for certain calls of some plugs until nothing is working again. I have a combination of two rules due to the fact that I am having to different types of plugs (one is using remote-send, the other one remote-codeäsend channel). The problem is coming in both cases.

Due to the fact that I am not an Linux or coding specialist I expect that the problem could be in the code (transmitter not unlocks or sth. like that)? Maybe @soesas or @Josar you have an idea?

my rule file based on your valuable comments:

rule "Single Plug"
    Member of G_All_Plugs received command
    // Item of Group Power Plugs received command or

    logInfo("Power_Plug", "Schalter" + + " to " + receivedCommand)
    val ReentrantLock transmitter = new ReentrantLock
    try {
      // Lock transmitter so other executed rules dont't use it at the same time, Concurrent calls of the rule will wait till the resource is free again.
      // Get the item which triggered the rule, Split the name and get the second part, the number to set as command.
      val num ="Power_Plug_Socket_").get(1) 
      // Set the command which should be executed to the output channel, Auto trigger will then execute the Thing.
      if(receivedCommand == ON){
        Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand("1XXX1 " + num +" 1")
        Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand("1XXX1 " + num +" 0")
      }// Wait for the command to complete
      while(Remote_Send.state != OFF){
      }// Mulltiple trigger do not work if there is no break here, maybe external skript needs some time to properly free resources.
      logInfo("Power_Plug", Remote_Send_Out.state.toString.replaceAll("\r|\n"," ") )
    } catch(Throwable t) {}
    { // Free the resource for the next call.

rule "Poweroutlet 1"
    Item Power_Plug_ABC_1 received command
     if(receivedCommand == ON){
        Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("1XXXXXX6 4")
       	Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("1XXXXXX0 4")
      // wait for the command to complete
      while(Remote_Send.state != ON){
      logInfo("Power_Plug_ABC_1", "Results are: \n" + Remote_CodeSend_Out.state )

I am using Exec 2.4.0.

Thank you in advance.

Make the lock global, so outside the rules, and use it in both rules.

val ReentrantLock transmitter = new ReentrantLock

rule "Single Plug"
    Member of G_All_Plugs received command
    // Item of Group Power Plugs received command or

    logInfo("Power_Plug", "Schalter" + + " to " + receivedCommand)
    try {
      // Lock transmitter so other executed rules dont't use it at the same time, Concurrent calls of the rule will wait till the resource is free again.
      // Get the item which triggered the rule, Split the name and get the second part, the number to set as command.
      val num ="Power_Plug_Socket_").get(1) 
      // Set the command which should be executed to the output channel, Auto trigger will then execute the Thing.
      if(receivedCommand == ON){
        Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand("1XXX1 " + num +" 1")
        Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand("1XXX1 " + num +" 0")
      // Wait for the command to complete
      while(Remote_Send.state != OFF){
      // Mulltiple trigger do not work if there is no break here, maybe external skript needs some time to properly free resources.
      logInfo("Power_Plug", Remote_Send_Out.state.toString.replaceAll("\r|\n"," ") )
    } catch(Throwable t) {}
    { // Free the resource for the next call.

rule "Poweroutlet 1"
    Item Power_Plug_ABC_1 received command

    try {
      // Lock transmitter so other executed rules dont't use it at the same time, Concurrent calls of the rule will wait till the resource is free again.
      // Get the item which triggered the rule, Split the name and get the second part, the number to set as command.
      if(receivedCommand == ON){
        Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("1XXXXXX6 4")
       	Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("1XXXXXX0 4")
     // wait for the command to complete
      while(Remote_Send.state != ON){
      // Mulltiple trigger do not work if there is no break here, maybe external skript needs some time to properly free resources.
     logInfo("Power_Plug_ABC_1", "Results are: \n" + Remote_CodeSend_Out.state )
    } catch(Throwable t) {}
    { // Free the resource for the next call.


This is not tested just edited in the browser, please check for typos. But the basic idea should be clear. Please read the comments and try to understand the explenations.

Hi Josar (@Josar) ,

first of all, thank you very much for you help and the adjustment of my coding.

did exactly this, but still have the problem, that after one to two times the system is not sending any messages to the devices. I have the feeling that, if one rule is still in execution and I release the next command (next light) the transmitter gets locked and nothing is working again. Before using the transmitter solution I had to send a command twice if the time of execution was to short in sequence. But no, after the problem, I can’t send out any command.

Is there any chance to implement some peace of code that ends or wait another seconds before sending the command, if the transmitter is already locked?

I do not have any Idea.

Could I pn you my rules file? Maybe you could find a bug in it…

Thank you in advance.


Hi @Josar,

I figured out that the exec is still in sending mode.


this is from the second rule with the exec thing Remote_CodeSend. Do you have any idea, why this is happening? I assume that due to the lock of the transmitter sth. is locked and the command not send out properly.

Furthermore I figured out that my dht22 sensor, as well running with an exec, is not providing data, after the problem occurred. After restart of OH, all is fine until I get the problem caused by a power plug and the cycle starts again… :frowning:

Hope you have a solution or hint for me what I could change…

Thank you and sorry for all the questions…


@Woogi please post your rules here and also make sure that there is no other rule uses the transmitter.

Maybe this is the problem.

Hi @Josar,

please find below my coding for 433 MHz transceiver:

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
// Val for Transmitter, that no problems if two calls comming
val ReentrantLock transmitter = new ReentrantLock

//////// Switching 433 MHz Devices
rule "Single Plug"
    Member of G_All_Plugs received command
    // Item of Group Power Plugs received command or

    logInfo("Power_Plug", "Schalter" + + " to " + receivedCommand)
    try {
      // Lock transmitter so other executed rules dont't use it at the same time, Concurrent calls of the rule will wait till the resource is free again.
      // Get the item which triggered the rule, Split the name and get the second part, the number to set as command.
      val num ="Power_Plug_Socket_").get(1) 
      // Set the command which should be executed to the output channel, Auto trigger will then execute the Thing.
      if(receivedCommand == ON){
        Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand("1ABC1 " + num +" 1")
        Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand("1ABC1 " + num +" 0")
      }// Wait for the command to complete
      while(Remote_Send.state != OFF){
      }// Mulltiple trigger do not work if there is no break here, maybe external skript needs some time to properly free resources.
      logInfo("Power_Plug", Remote_Send_Out.state.toString.replaceAll("\r|\n"," ") )
    } catch(Throwable t) {}
    { // Free the resource for the next call.
//////// Update of Status Power Plugs by using manual shutter
rule "Poweroutlet Update"
      Item MQTT_data changed
      switch MQTT_data.state 
        case "26ABC5": Power_Plug_Socket_1.postUpdate(ON)
        case "26ABC8": Power_Plug_Socket_1.postUpdate(OFF)
        case "26ABC7": Power_Plug_Socket_2.postUpdate(ON)
        case "26ABC0": Power_Plug_Socket_2.postUpdate(OFF)
        case "26ABC5": Power_Plug_Socket_3.postUpdate(ON)
        case "26ABC8": Power_Plug_Socket_3.postUpdate(OFF)
        //case "26ABC7": Power_Plug_Socket_4.postUpdate(ON)
        //case "26ABC0": Power_Plug_Socket_4.postUpdate(OFF)
      if(MQTT_data.state.toString !="") MQTT_data.postUpdate("")
/////// Leinwand_Remote
rule "Leinwand"
    Item Leinwand_Remote received command
    try { //new
        // Lock transmitter so other executed rules dont't use it at the same time, Concurrent calls of the rule will wait till the resource is free again.
        transmitter.lock() //new
     switch (receivedCommand){
      case UP:    
        Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("ABC") // first stop command due to physical device that first needs stop command
        Thread::sleep(1000) // 1 Second to wait, else the system can not execute both commands.
      case STOP:  Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("ABC")
      case DOWN:	
    }logInfo("Leinwand", "Results are: \n" + Remote_CodeSend_Out.state)

   // Mulltiple trigger do not work if there is no break here, maybe external skript needs some time to properly free resources.
   Thread::sleep(400) //new
  } catch(Throwable t) {} //new
  finally //new
    { // Free the resource for the next call. //new
      transmitter.unlock() //new
/////// Leinwand Steuerung Alexa
rule "Leinwand Steuerung"
  Item Leinwand_Remote_Alexa_UpDown received command
  try { //new
        // Lock transmitter so other executed rules dont't use it at the same time, Concurrent calls of the rule will wait till the resource is free again.
        transmitter.lock() //new
    // 0% is up, 100% down, 50% stop (workaround....)
    switch (receivedCommand){
      case 0:    
        Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("ABC") // first stop command due to physical device that first needs stop command
        Thread::sleep(1000) // 1 Second to wait, else the system can not execute both commands.
      case 50:  Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("ABC")
      case 100:	
     }logInfo("Leinwand", "Results are: \n" + Remote_CodeSend_Out.state)
    // Mulltiple trigger do not work if there is no break here, maybe external skript needs some time to properly free resources.
    Thread::sleep(400) //new
  } catch(Throwable t) {} //new
  finally //new
    { // Free the resource for the next call. //new
      transmitter.unlock() //new
/////// Power Plugs Lidl, old Code
rule "Poweroutlet Lidl 1"
    Item Power_Plug_Lidl_1 received command
    try {
      // Lock transmitter so other executed rules dont't use it at the same time, Concurrent calls of the rule will wait till the resource is free again.
      if(receivedCommand == ON){
        Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("ABC 4")
       	Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("ABC 4")
      // wait for the command to complete
      while(Remote_Send.state != ON){
      // Mulltiple trigger do not work if there is no break here, maybe external skript needs some time to properly free resources.
      logInfo("Power_Plug_Lidl_1", "Results are: \n" + Remote_CodeSend_Out.state )
      } catch(Throwable t) {}
    { // Free the resource for the next call.

rule "Poweroutlet Lidl 2"
    Item Power_Plug_Lidl_2 received command
    try {
      // Get the item which triggered the rule, Split the name and get the second part, the number to set as command.
      if(receivedCommand == ON){
        Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("ABC 4")
       	Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("ABC 4")
      // wait for the command to complete
      while(Remote_Send.state != ON){
      // Mulltiple trigger do not work if there is no break here, maybe external skript needs some time to properly free resources.
      logInfo("Power_Plug_Lidl_2", "Results are: \n" + Remote_CodeSend_Out.state )
      } catch(Throwable t) {}
    { // Free the resource for the next call.

rule "Poweroutlet Lidl 3"
    Item Power_Plug_Lidl_3 received command
    try {
      // Get the item which triggered the rule, Split the name and get the second part, the number to set as command.
      if(receivedCommand == ON){
        Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("ABC 4")
       	Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("ABC 4")
      // wait for the command to complete
      while(Remote_Send.state != ON){
      // Mulltiple trigger do not work if there is no break here, maybe external skript needs some time to properly free resources.
      logInfo("Power_Plug_Lidl_3", "Results are: \n" + Remote_CodeSend_Out.state )
      } catch(Throwable t) {}
    { // Free the resource for the next call.

rule "Poweroutlet Lidl 4"
    Item Power_Plug_Lidl_4 received command
    try {
      // Lock transmitter so other executed rules dont't use it at the same time, Concurrent calls of the rule will wait till the resource is free again.
      if(receivedCommand == ON){
        Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("ABC 4")
       	Remote_CodeSend_Args.sendCommand("ABC 4")
      // wait for the command to complete
      while(Remote_Send.state != ON){
      // Mulltiple trigger do not work if there is no break here, maybe external skript needs some time to properly free resources.
      logInfo("Power_Plug_Lidl_4", "Results are: \n" + Remote_CodeSend_Out.state )
      } catch(Throwable t) {}
    { // Free the resource for the next call.

This is the code for the dht22, which wasn’t working any longer as well after the 433 plugs are not working any longer:

//Rule to read transfer the string of the dht22 temperature sensor
rule "Temp"
        Item Temp_wohnzimmer_out received update
    logInfo("temp", "Temperatur: " + Klima_temp_wz.state + "°C")

//Rule to read transfer the string of the dht22 humidty sensor
rule "Hum"
        Item Hum_wohnzimmer_out received update
    logInfo("Humi", "Luftfeuchtigkeit: " + Klima_hum_wz.state + "%")

Log file is providing the following eg testet this morning:

2019-02-08 09:44:56.665 [INFO ] [se.smarthome.model.script.Power_Plug] - SchalterPower_Plug_Socket_3 to ON
2019-02-08 09:44:57.733 [INFO ] [se.smarthome.model.script.Power_Plug] - using pin 0 sending systemCode[1ABC1] unitCode[3] command[1]
2019-02-08 09:45:00.035 [INFO ] [se.smarthome.model.script.Power_Plug] - SchalterPower_Plug_Lidl_2 to ON
2019-02-08 09:45:12.483 [INFO ] [se.smarthome.model.script.Power_Plug] - SchalterPower_Plug_Socket_1 to ON

As you can see, first switch worked and then nothing was happening. Shouldn’t it be the case that even if the system is still working the request wait until the transmitter is free again?

Sorry, I am a bit lost.

Thank you in advance.

OH is configured to have, i think, 5 threads to handle rules. When you use Thread.sleep this occupies a thread. I think this can be a problem.

Maybe there is a hidden error try to print everything.

catch(Throwable t) { logInfo("Throwable", t.getMessage() }

I can also imagine if you have a transmitter and a receiver connected, that you receive what you send and so use up the threads or create an endless loop when triggering a sendcommand on a received command.

Hi @Josar,

finally I made it. I figured out that I had a coding bug inside which I developed by putting nearly behind each row a lofInfo :wink: So I discovered that I used the wrong exec command. Instead of Remote_CodeSend_out.state I used Remote_Send_out.state. An other bug was that my single plugs have been assigned to the same group as the Lidl plugs which lead to the issue that the system went in both rules and blocked crosswise.

The only issue I am still having and that is confusing me. During the first received update of the item till the sending, there are 5 seconds. Is that normal?

2019-02-20 21:51:26.559 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'Power_Plug_Lidl_2' received command ON
2019-02-20 21:51:26.571 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Power_Plug_Lidl_2 changed from OFF to ON
2019-02-20 21:51:26.582 [GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - G_All_Plugs changed from OFF to ON through Power_Plug_Lidl_2
2019-02-20 21:51:26.587 [GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - Alle_Lichter_WZ changed from OFF to ON through Power_Plug_Lidl_2
2019-02-20 21:51:26.591 [GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - Alle_Lichter changed from OFF to ON through Alle_Lichter_WZ
2019-02-20 21:51:31.721 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'Remote_CodeSend_Args' received command 1xxxxxx5 4
2019-02-20 21:51:31.730 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - Remote_CodeSend_Args predicted to become 1xxxx5 4
2019-02-20 21:51:31.737 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Remote_CodeSend_Args changed from 1xxxx3 4 to 1xxxx5 4
2019-02-20 21:51:31.739 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Remote_CodeSend changed from OFF to ON
==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==
2019-02-20 21:51:32.124 [INFO ] [thome.model.script.Power_Plug_Lidl_2] - Results are: sending code[1xxxx3]

Thank you very much for your help. Kindly,

Hello all,

(Disclaimer, this is my first post here, hope I am following the rules and proper formatting of my post :slight_smile: )

I just started using OpenHAB a couple of weeks ago and am really enjoying all of the learning and (most of the times succesfully) building of my items, thing, rules etc. Especially thanks to people like @Josar made it possible for me to understand OpenHAB really fast so BIG thank you!

Last year I bought some CoCo (KlikAanKlikUit) 433mhz switches, which I can control using my RaspBerry Pi. For the last three days I really tried to implement Exec binding to turn my CoCo´s on and off. When I issue the command sudo -u openhab /home/pi/wiringPi/raspKaku/kaku A 1 on my CoCo turns on. This tells me the openhab user has enough rights and my command works.

Unfortunately, I just can´t get the Exec binding to work. I tried to implement the easiest way possible to send an ´on´ command. The following is my latest and greatest attempt yet;
I made a thing:

Thing exec:command:yourcommand [ command=“sudo -u openhab /home/pi/wiringPi/raspKaku/kaku A 1 on”, interval=0, autorun=false ]

I made some items:

Switch YourTrigger

// state of the execution, is running or finished
Switch yourcommand {channel=“exec:command:yourcommand:run”}
// Arguments to be placed for ‘%2$s’ in command line
String yourcommand_Args {channel=“exec:command:yourcommand:input”}
// Output of command line execution
String yourcommand_out {channel=“exec:command:yourcommand:output”}

I made a rule; rule "Your Execution" when Item YourTrigger changed then yourcommand_Args.sendCommand() end

And of course I added the switch to the sitemap withSwitch item=YourTrigger

But for the love of… the CoCo won´t turn on. Does anyone has any clue as to where I could poke some more to make this work? logging is clean, it only states the trigger switching from on to off. (Edit, formatting and thanks to OP)

I’m pretty sure you have to set autorum=true (that is: if input is updated, run the command automatically)

Please always use code fences when posting code, configuration or logs.

@jespiex remove sudo -u openhab

Thing exec:command:yourcommand [ command=“/home/pi/wiringPi/raspKaku/kaku A 1 on”, interval=0, autorun=false ]

With the full command as a different user than openhab you execute the 2 part oft the command as the user openhab. But openhab is allready the user openhab. And i would say openhab has not the sudo privileges, which is also unecessary.

Thank you for your reply, I changed my thing accordingly. Unfortunately when looking at my openhab.log I found the following line;

[ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'Your Execution': An error occurred during the script execution: index=1, size=1

Clearly, there is something wrong with my rule, but I can´t find the problem. I searched the forum and have come across some answers, but I think those do not apply for my rule. Do you have any idea what to edit/do?

EDIT; figured out I needed to add quotes in the sendCommand part of my rule;


Unfortunately, the switch still doesn´t do anything. Any suggestions?

Hello thanks for this tutorial but i have done everything in this tutorial and nothing happen :confused: and i have no error in log.
I can switch off plug with /home/pi/src/433Utils/RPi_utils/send 00001 3 0 to switch in terminal .
I can’t see where is my error can someone can help me please ?

==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==
2019-09-15 10:32:19.546 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘Power_Plug_Socket_1’ received command ON
2019-09-15 10:32:19.659 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘Power_Plug_Socket_2’ received command ON
2019-09-15 10:32:19.766 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘Power_Plug_Socket_3’ received command ON
2019-09-15 10:32:20.022 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘Power_Plug_Socket_4’ received command ON
2019-09-15 10:32:20.246 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Power_Plug_Socket_1 changed from OFF to ON
2019-09-15 10:32:20.361 [GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - Gplugs changed from ON to OFF through Power_Plug_Socket_1
2019-09-15 10:32:20.460 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Power_Plug_Socket_2 changed from OFF to ON
2019-09-15 10:32:20.541 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Power_Plug_Socket_3 changed from OFF to ON
2019-09-15 10:32:20.601 [GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - Gplugs changed from OFF to ON through Power_Plug_Socket_4
2019-09-15 10:32:20.683 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Power_Plug_Socket_4 changed from OFF to ON

Thing exec:command:remote-send [
command=“sudo /home/pi/src/433Utils/RPi_utils/send %2$s”,

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
val ReentrantLock transmitter = new ReentrantLock
rule “Single Plug”
Member of Gplugs received command
// Item Power_Plug_Socket_1 received command or
// Item Power_Plug_Socket_2 received command or
// Item Power_Plug_Socket_3 received command or
// Item Power_Plug_Socket_4 received command
logInfo(“Power_Plug”, “Member " + + " to " + receivedCommand)
try {
// Lock transmitter so other executed rules dont’t use it at the same time.
// Concurrent calls of the rule will wait till the resource is free again.
// Get the item which triggered the rule
// Split the name and get the second part, the number to set as command.
val num =“Power_Plug_Socket_”).get(1)
// Set the command which should be executed to the output channel
// Auto trigger will then execute the Thing.
if(receivedCommand == ON){
Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand(“10010 " + num +” 1”)
Remote_Send_Args.sendCommand(“10010 " + num +” 0")
// Wait for the command to complete
while(Remote_Send.state != OFF){
// Mulltiple trigger do not work if there is no break here
// maybe external skript needs some time to properly free resources.
logInfo(“Power_Plug”, Remote_Send_Out.state.toString.replaceAll(“\r|\n”," ") )
}catch(Throwable t) {}
finally {
// Free the resource for the next call.

// RF Socket Items
Group:Switch:OR(OFF, ON) Gplugs
Switch Power_Plug_Socket_1 (Gplugs)
Switch Power_Plug_Socket_2 (Gplugs)
Switch Power_Plug_Socket_3 (Gplugs)
Switch Power_Plug_Socket_4 (Gplugs)
String PlaceHolder “”
Switch Remote_Send { channel=“exec:command:remote-send:run” }
String Remote_Send_Args { channel=“exec:command:remote-send:input” }
String Remote_Send_Out { channel=“exec:command:remote-send:output” }