openHAB in Public Buildings using Docker Swarm

Hello everyone.

During my master thesis at university I was concerned with the question how openHAB be used in public institutions especially with multiple buildings (like universities). In the course of the thesis I started to set my focus on operation aspects, particularly considering that openHAB is often used with additional software components like databases or Node-RED. I decided to create a concept stack using docker and swarm (the early concept was presented at conference last year, here is the paper that summarizes it).

To make the start easier I also developed a python script that offers a (CLI) menu to initially create a stack for multiple buildings (a compose file and a set of configuration files for the added services). On second run, after creating the stack, it also offers further menu entries to assist the user with creating backups or add USB support to containers in the swarm.

The script and further usage documentation can be found on its GitHub page.
It by far does not cover all usage scenarios, but may be an starting point for anyone trying to do something similar with multiple building or openHAB in a docker swarm.