[SOLVED] openHAB Info - Device registration failed with Sender ID null

Hi there,

I am running my own openHAB Cloud.
When I connect my Android OpenHAB App to that cloud I am able to see the _default sitemap. Everything seems to be OK.
But unfortunately the Device is not automaticly registed.
The openHAB Info says:
“Device registration failed with Sender ID null”
Any clever Ideas?



problem was a missing GCM configuration in the config.json on the openHABCloud server.

Jid = Your_Sender_Key@googleapis.com
Password = server key

See more here: https://community.openhab.org/t/setup-your-own-openhab-cloud-myopenhab-server-instance/24716/28

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Hi I can’t register other devices besides the main smartphone and my Gmail account (which works properly). I have to send alarm notifications to members of the user family. To register other devices (smartphones and tablets) on myopenhab. org must you always enter uuid and secret?
Do you also need to install the security certificate?

No. To add additional users, log into your myopenhab.org account and then choose ‘Users’ in the top level menu. The users you add there can be used directly for notifications in OH rules.

Users can add them but the problem is on the devices. I can’t add them. So they are not registered on the myopenhab.org site and therefore I cannot even send notifications.

Hi i think your problem is not a custom openHAB Cloud issue.
This post was a problem with a self hosted openhabCloud.

You are using myopenhab.org, right?
Maybe you need to find a better place to ask.

But I try to help.
You have registered an email at openhab.org and it is working (your main Gmail).
In myopenhab.org you will find a menue “Users”

Also you will find Devices

The Devices are liked to the User I guess.

When I send a notification out of a rule I use my Username.

sendNotification(“felix@mail.com”,“This is a notification for felix”)

Or if I want to inform everyone I do this with:

sendBroadcastNotification(“This is a notification for everyone”)

Hope this short info helps.
Cheers Felix

You don’t need to add the device explicitly. It’ll be added automatically; just make sure to use the credentials of the newly created user (and not the main user) for the ‘remote’ server in the Android app settings.

Thanks, but unfortunately I had already done these steps. Unfortunately it doesn’t work. Only my main account and my smartphone are ok.

There surely must be a mistake in either configuration or account setup then. I use this setup (secondary user on myopenhab.org + recent app versions) without any issues.

Thanks, I solved.
The problem is my wife’s phone … !!!
The smartphone only receives the notifications on the OpenHAB app but does not emit the notification sound.
I don’t understand how it is possible, because the other notices on it work. For example, email watsapp etc …
However it does not depend on Openhab.