Openhab openHAB 4.1.2 on raspberry pi 5&RaZberry v2 Z-Wave.Me expansion board

Thanks everyone but I can call this one solved. I will try to put a migration post specifically for my situation in the forum. How did I solved? I found a post in the regarding the razberrry v2 and Debian Bookworm issue (Openhabian 2024-04-09 from Raspberry PI Imager v.18.5), forum link, I still need to buy him a beer(waiting for my account).

Here’s how I was able to solve the serial port problem:

Running environment:
Raspberry Pi 4
Razberry v2 Zwave module
SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus-E Gateway
Openhab 3.4 backup file
OpenMqtt/Bond Bridge/iCalendar/OpenWeathermap binding and a few extra ones

  1. Boot up fresh Openhabian install
  2. Update file /boot/firmware/config.txt by appending the following lines to the end of the file (after the [all] line). Note that I don’t use bluetooth on the Pi, so I disable bluetooth. If you use bluetooth, uncomment the miniuart-bt line and comment out the disable-bt line.
  3. Install lsof since this app will be used to confirm ttyAMA0 port status
    apt install lsof
  4. Reboot the Pi to use the new config file
  5. Disable the getty service that uses the ttyAMA0 port
    systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
    systemctl stop serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
    systemctl mask serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
  6. Confirm the ttyAMA0 port is not being used - no output should appear since the ttyAMA0 port should not be in use. If you’ve already installed Z-Way, then restart z-way-server and skip to step 7.lsof | grep ttyAMA0
  7. Install Razberry v2 module
    Steps taken after fixing serial port issue
  8. Restored from backup
  9. Reboot
  10. Verified Zwave brigde was online
    11.Zwave devices became online
  11. Re-joined zigbee devices
  12. Verified rules were working as expected.