It is. It just isn’t there yet. These sorts of advances don’t happen overnight and are particularly slow with open source projects, particularly well-established ones with a lot of history and the need to remain backwards compatible.
But for the record, it is not hard to use Node-Red as your Rules engine in OH. While not necessarily common, it is an approach that is used.
You assume that it was written that way in the first place. OH has been in development for years and is currently undergoing transition from text based to UI based config. It is in transition.
And, this is an opensource project. Noone gets paid to write any of it.
I look forward to your new visionary build from scratch system.
Rant, do not read unless you want to get my unfiltered letting off steam
NOTE: While I am directly addressing @Jimmy_Jones comments, the below is letting off steam in response to all the people who drive by this forum, drop a bag of burning shit, and move on. @Jimmy_Jones, please do not take it personally.
This is going to be a rant and it is going to piss off a lot of people but I’m grumpy today so don’t care. If asked, I’ll delete it.
I am sick of all these people coming on this forum and bitching on and on about how awful OH is with
- no knowledge of its history
- no knowledge of what is currently in work
- no knowledge of the direction it is headed in
- little appreciation for how hard home automation actually is
If you want an “Elegant” solution go buy something from a commercial vendor.
If you want to provide actionable suggestions for improvement we would love to hear your thoughts. Even better we would love to get your Issues and PRs.
If you want to bitch, at least give us something actionable. “This program is shit” is less than helpful. We can’t do anything with it. There is no change we can make to address it, not addition to the docs, no new feature to add or remove to address the concern. No discussion to be had.
And if you just want to come and call OH a piece of shit, at least do your F@!#$ing homework to know what you are talking about. OH 2 IS a “scrap what you’ve done so far and start again.” It IS heading towards a more Node-Red like approach (see the Experimemntal Rules Engine). And it has taken two years to get to this point (i.e. from all text based config to actually having UI based administration and automatic discovery and configuration of devices).
Do we still have a long way to go? Hell yes! And the developers and maintainers are working harder than anyone could reasonably expect from a group of people with day jobs and families and who are donating their time and efforts. There are plans and lots of things in work to make them happen.
But there are three choices:
- gradually grow a system towards a shared vision
- tell the thousands of existing users to f*#$ off and create something new and incompatible or with no migration path
- hold back everything until it is “perfect” and “elegant”
The developers rightly chose to gradually grow OH towards.
To come on this forum and say that OH is shit and should just be scrapped is so offensive and insulting to the tens of thousands of manhours that people have donated to this project I fail to find the words to express it.
If OH is too hard for you, that is fair. Home automation IS hard and not for everyone. If OH isn’t “elegant” enough for you, please go and find a solution that works better for you or pitch in and help out to make OH better. Lots of people are successful with Node-Red. If you have something actionable to suggest for improvements we would love to discuss it. Shit can everything and start over is not actionable.
If you just want to shit over all our efforts with no knowledge of where OH came from and is going to, please take your comments somewhere else. It is not helpful and only serves to denigrate the efforts of the developers and does nothing to help.