OpenHAB retured empty sitemap list

This one is about Android App, not iOS. Issues are complletely different.

I am facing the same issue after upgrading to 2.4.39. web interface to the Basic UI with the same sitemap works great.

1 Like

Wrong category, this one is about Android App.

Hi everyone! After two years of trouble-free use, today ios app updated to version 2.4.39 and the app no ​​longer works. both locally and remotely as soon as I enter the red error below appears: ERROR openHAB returned an empty sitemap list.
The PC map works easily, both locally and remotely on
I tried to re-ignite the raspberry (which had been on for 540 days), but nothing to do. Alexa works, the map works on PC and Android tablet (not updated the app), but on iOS I can’t do it anymore. Anyone know where the problem lies? I am using openHAB 2.5.0.M1 Milestone Build.

Thanks to all Emiliano.

So hoping someone has an idea… I just upgraded to 3.3.0.M6 and shows online, cloud connector looks fine from the debug log and shows activity but shows blank and the android app, both regular and beta, shows empty sitemap or “error to display UI” when via cloud, when local, it works fine. the cloud connector works great for my OH2.5 instance but wasn’t going to fully migrate but thought it was something I had going but seems to be a greater issue observed by others.

My log with it set to DEBUG:

2022-06-16 19:18:29.300 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - on(): request
2022-06-16 19:18:29.301 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Got request 26182318
2022-06-16 19:18:29.302 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Path /rest/events/states
2022-06-16 19:18:29.302 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Method GET
2022-06-16 19:18:29.303 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Headers: {"sec-fetch-mode":"cors","referer":"","sec-fetch-site":"same-origin","accept-language":"en-US,en;q=0.9","accept":"text/event-stream","last-event-id":"0","sec-ch-ua":"\" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"102\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"102\"","sec-ch-ua-mobile":"?0","sec-ch-ua-platform":"\"Windows\"","host":"","cache-control":"no-cache","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate, br","user-agent":"openhab-cloud/0.0.1","sec-fetch-dest":"empty"}
2022-06-16 19:18:29.304 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Query null
2022-06-16 19:18:29.304 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Request method is GET
2022-06-16 19:18:29.304 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-mode = cors
2022-06-16 19:18:29.306 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header referer =
2022-06-16 19:18:29.307 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-site = same-origin
2022-06-16 19:18:29.307 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-language = en-US,en;q=0.9
2022-06-16 19:18:29.307 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept = text/event-stream
2022-06-16 19:18:29.307 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header last-event-id = 0
2022-06-16 19:18:29.309 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-ch-ua = " Not A;Brand";v="99", "Chromium";v="102", "Google Chrome";v="102"
2022-06-16 19:18:29.309 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-ch-ua-mobile = ?0
2022-06-16 19:18:29.309 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-ch-ua-platform = "Windows"
2022-06-16 19:18:29.310 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header host =
2022-06-16 19:18:29.310 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header cache-control = no-cache
2022-06-16 19:18:29.311 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-encoding = gzip, deflate, br
2022-06-16 19:18:29.312 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header user-agent = openhab-cloud/0.0.1
2022-06-16 19:18:29.312 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-dest = empty
2022-06-16 19:18:29.318 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onHeaders 26182318
2022-06-16 19:18:29.319 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onResponseContent: 26182318, content size 63
2022-06-16 19:18:30.009 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - on(): request
2022-06-16 19:18:30.009 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Got request 26182324
2022-06-16 19:18:30.010 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Path /rest/events/states/f344ead8-a13f-438e-b21f-180956be6fba
2022-06-16 19:18:30.010 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Method POST
2022-06-16 19:18:30.010 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Headers: {"sec-fetch-mode":"cors","content-length":"758","referer":"","sec-fetch-site":"same-origin","accept-language":"en-US,en;q=0.9","origin":"","accept":"*/*","sec-ch-ua":"\" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"102\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"102\"","sec-ch-ua-mobile":"?0","sec-ch-ua-platform":"\"Windows\"","x-requested-with":"XMLHttpRequest","host":"","content-type":"application/json","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate, br","user-agent":"openhab-cloud/0.0.1","sec-fetch-dest":"empty"}
2022-06-16 19:18:30.010 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Query null
2022-06-16 19:18:30.011 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Request method is POST
2022-06-16 19:18:30.011 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-mode = cors
2022-06-16 19:18:30.011 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header content-length = 758
2022-06-16 19:18:30.011 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header referer =
2022-06-16 19:18:30.011 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-site = same-origin
2022-06-16 19:18:30.012 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-language = en-US,en;q=0.9
2022-06-16 19:18:30.012 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header origin =
2022-06-16 19:18:30.014 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept = */*
2022-06-16 19:18:30.014 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-ch-ua = " Not A;Brand";v="99", "Chromium";v="102", "Google Chrome";v="102"
2022-06-16 19:18:30.014 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-ch-ua-mobile = ?0
2022-06-16 19:18:30.014 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-ch-ua-platform = "Windows"
2022-06-16 19:18:30.015 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header x-requested-with = XMLHttpRequest
2022-06-16 19:18:30.016 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header host =
2022-06-16 19:18:30.017 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header content-type = application/json
2022-06-16 19:18:30.017 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-encoding = gzip, deflate, br
2022-06-16 19:18:30.017 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header user-agent = openhab-cloud/0.0.1
2022-06-16 19:18:30.017 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-dest = empty
2022-06-16 19:18:30.020 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: undefined
2022-06-16 19:18:30.027 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onResponseContent: 26182318, content size 1038
2022-06-16 19:18:30.027 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onResponseContent: 26182318, content size 2
2022-06-16 19:18:30.029 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onHeaders 26182324
2022-06-16 19:18:30.029 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onComplete: 26182324
2022-06-16 19:18:30.030 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Finished responding to request 26182324

and openHAB Cloud - Home seems to show but main page to access dashboard is blank:

When accessing via the android beta app:

Log for that activity:

2022-06-16 19:25:57.457 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - on(): request
2022-06-16 19:25:57.459 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Got request 26187780
2022-06-16 19:25:57.459 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Path /rest/events/states
2022-06-16 19:25:57.460 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Method GET
2022-06-16 19:25:57.461 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Headers: {"sec-fetch-mode":"cors","referer":"","sec-fetch-site":"same-origin","accept-language":"en-US,en;q=0.9","accept":"text/event-stream","last-event-id":"0","sec-ch-ua":"\" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"102\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"102\"","sec-ch-ua-mobile":"?0","sec-ch-ua-platform":"\"Windows\"","host":"","cache-control":"no-cache","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate, br","user-agent":"openhab-cloud/0.0.1","sec-fetch-dest":"empty"}
2022-06-16 19:25:57.462 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Query null
2022-06-16 19:25:57.463 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Request method is GET
2022-06-16 19:25:57.463 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-mode = cors
2022-06-16 19:25:57.464 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header referer =
2022-06-16 19:25:57.465 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-site = same-origin
2022-06-16 19:25:57.466 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-language = en-US,en;q=0.9
2022-06-16 19:25:57.466 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept = text/event-stream
2022-06-16 19:25:57.467 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header last-event-id = 0
2022-06-16 19:25:57.468 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-ch-ua = " Not A;Brand";v="99", "Chromium";v="102", "Google Chrome";v="102"
2022-06-16 19:25:57.468 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-ch-ua-mobile = ?0
2022-06-16 19:25:57.469 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-ch-ua-platform = "Windows"
2022-06-16 19:25:57.470 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header host =
2022-06-16 19:25:57.470 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header cache-control = no-cache
2022-06-16 19:25:57.471 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-encoding = gzip, deflate, br
2022-06-16 19:25:57.472 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header user-agent = openhab-cloud/0.0.1
2022-06-16 19:25:57.472 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-dest = empty
2022-06-16 19:25:57.476 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onHeaders 26187780
2022-06-16 19:25:57.477 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onResponseContent: 26187780, content size 63
2022-06-16 19:25:58.163 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - on(): request
2022-06-16 19:25:58.164 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Got request 26187793
2022-06-16 19:25:58.165 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Path /rest/events/states/d3f17f29-7122-48a6-8027-777f414108cd
2022-06-16 19:25:58.166 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Method POST
2022-06-16 19:25:58.167 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Headers: {"sec-fetch-mode":"cors","content-length":"758","referer":"","sec-fetch-site":"same-origin","accept-language":"en-US,en;q=0.9","origin":"","accept":"*/*","sec-ch-ua":"\" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"102\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"102\"","sec-ch-ua-mobile":"?0","sec-ch-ua-platform":"\"Windows\"","x-requested-with":"XMLHttpRequest","host":"","content-type":"application/json","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate, br","user-agent":"openhab-cloud/0.0.1","sec-fetch-dest":"empty"}
2022-06-16 19:25:58.168 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Query null
2022-06-16 19:25:58.169 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Request method is POST
2022-06-16 19:25:58.169 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-mode = cors
2022-06-16 19:25:58.170 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header content-length = 758
2022-06-16 19:25:58.171 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header referer =
2022-06-16 19:25:58.172 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-site = same-origin
2022-06-16 19:25:58.172 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-language = en-US,en;q=0.9
2022-06-16 19:25:58.173 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header origin =
2022-06-16 19:25:58.174 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept = */*
2022-06-16 19:25:58.175 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-ch-ua = " Not A;Brand";v="99", "Chromium";v="102", "Google Chrome";v="102"
2022-06-16 19:25:58.175 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-ch-ua-mobile = ?0
2022-06-16 19:25:58.176 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-ch-ua-platform = "Windows"
2022-06-16 19:25:58.177 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header x-requested-with = XMLHttpRequest
2022-06-16 19:25:58.178 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header host =
2022-06-16 19:25:58.178 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header content-type = application/json
2022-06-16 19:25:58.179 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header accept-encoding = gzip, deflate, br
2022-06-16 19:25:58.180 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header user-agent = openhab-cloud/0.0.1
2022-06-16 19:25:58.180 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Jetty set header sec-fetch-dest = empty
2022-06-16 19:25:58.184 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: undefined
2022-06-16 19:25:58.186 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onResponseContent: 26187780, content size 1038
2022-06-16 19:25:58.187 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onResponseContent: 26187780, content size 2
2022-06-16 19:25:58.188 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onHeaders 26187793
2022-06-16 19:25:58.189 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - onComplete: 26187793
2022-06-16 19:25:58.190 [DEBUG] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Finished responding to request 26187793

Anyone? I see various things in git but I still can’t get to work with OH3. dashboard is blank there too. Sometimes it comes up half way. The android app on the brand new install to test sometime comes up after refreshing 5 or 6 times. No issues on my OH2 install. Anyone have an idea here? I’m banging my head into the desk on this.

when it sometimes loads something… it’s not formatted right:

and Android app, both current and beta, all do the exact same no sitemap… hit retry multiple times and it seems to load the sitemap … sometimes. Thoughts?

Still having these issues a year later… Anyone managed to fix it?

Same here. Nobody seems to have found a solution :joy:
Meanwhile I am on 3.4.0 M3.

Me too. It worked for a short while and then just stopped again

Have the same problem I am on
openHAB 3.4.0.M3.
No entries in the log file that something is not okay.

Since a couple of days the issue is magically gone, no “empty sitemap list” entry anymore, sitemap is loading locally and also remote via


1 Like

Seems like it. First tests show it is loading indeed.
Test it later a bit more.
Thanks for sharing.

I’m still getting “OpenHab returned empty site map list”.

Strange …

My openHAB 3.3.0 installation also suffers from this issue. gives me a blank page most of the times. It can produce a list occasionally but very random as I see it.

Following the link: Your openHAB is online. Click here to access your openHAB’s dashboard always gives a blank page.

openHAB Android App 2.23.0 shows no sitemaps when connected to remote server. (Error: “End of input at character 0 of”)

Edit: just upgraded to openHAB 3.4.0 and the problem persists.

What about showing us your sitemap?

I’m pretty sure I have found the error in the cloud connector code. There was a hack fixing problems with low latency to the openhab server but it was lost in a rewrite that fits the timing of when problems started. I have created a kar file but I am struggling with the installation - it works after copying to the addons folder but it doesn’t work after a restart of openhab.

This is the code snippet that was lost:

 * What is this? In some cases where latency is very low the myopenhab service
 * can receive responseFinished before the headers or content are received and I
 * cannot find another workaround to prevent it.
ThreadPoolManager.getScheduledPool(THREADPOOL_OPENHABCLOUD).schedule(() -> {
	JSONObject responseJson = new JSONObject();
	try {
		responseJson.put("id", mRequestId);
		socket.emit("responseFinished", responseJson);
		logger.debug("Finished responding to request {}", mRequestId);
	} catch (JSONException e) {
		logger.debug("{}", e.getMessage());
}, 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

I’m now on OpenHAB 4.0.1 and I still struggle with that opening in my browser shows a blank page and that openHAB Android App 3.0.3 shows no sitemaps when connected to remote server. (Error: “openHAB returned an empty Sitemap list”)

OpenHAB log says: Connected to the openHAB Cloud service (UUID = 0d...e1, base URL = http://localhost:8080)

I can access the page and I can also access all the pages found in the menu bar.

Maybe it’s irrelevant but if I enter I get a list of my site maps with links to my different site maps. Images on those site maps shows up as broken links.

Using the browser opening I can see in the console that there are ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH.

Something is obviously wrong but unfortunately I can’t figure out what it is.

If I try to open I get some javascript source code but only sometimes. I might have to do a reload a few times.

Yeah this still doesn’t work. Been an issue for many many OpenHAB iterations now. I’m now running latest stable OpenHAB 4.0.2? This has been ongoing for ~2+ years now.

App shows “openHAB returned empty sitemap list” when connecting from external network.

This is the issue when going to

Returns a blank page 99% of the time. I have on occasion seen my sitemap listed. and
Works fine, but the app can not find the sitemap so it doesn’t matter that the actual sitemap works…

Works fine with Google Assistant so the cloud connector is obviously running…

Log from the app. Note that end of input seems to be character 0 (i.e no data returned).
“End of input at character 0”

09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: Failed parsing sitemap JSON
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: org.json.JSONException: End of input at character 0 of

Full log

09-01 14:46:08.151 17960  2752 I okhttp.OkHttpClient: <-- 200 OK (179ms)
09-01 14:46:08.151 17960  2752 I okhttp.OkHttpClient: Server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
09-01 14:46:08.151 17960  2752 I okhttp.OkHttpClient: Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2023 12:46:06 GMT
09-01 14:46:08.151 17960  2752 I okhttp.OkHttpClient: Content-Length: 0
09-01 14:46:08.152 17960  2752 I okhttp.OkHttpClient: Connection: keep-alive
09-01 14:46:08.152 17960  2752 I okhttp.OkHttpClient: X-Powered-By: Express
09-01 14:46:08.152 17960  2752 I okhttp.OkHttpClient: Set-Cookie: ██
09-01 14:46:08.152 17960  2752 I okhttp.OkHttpClient: Set-Cookie: ██
09-01 14:46:08.152 17960  2752 I okhttp.OkHttpClient: <-- END HTTP
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: Failed parsing sitemap JSON
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: org.json.JSONException: End of input at character 0 of
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at org.json.JSONTokener.syntaxError(
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at org.json.JSONTokener.nextValue(
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at org.json.JSONArray.<init>(
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at org.json.JSONArray.<init>(
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at org.openhab.habdroid.model.ServerProperties$Companion.loadSitemapsFromJson(Unknown Source:2)
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at org.openhab.habdroid.model.ServerProperties$Companion.fetchSitemaps(Unknown Source:131)
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at org.openhab.habdroid.model.ServerProperties$Companion.access$fetchSitemaps(Unknown Source:0)
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at org.openhab.habdroid.model.ServerProperties$Companion$fetchSitemaps$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:13)
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(Unknown Source:11)
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at Source:88)
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at Source:12)
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at Source:2)
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(Unknown Source:0)
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(Unknown Source:14)
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(Unknown Source:28)
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 E ServerProperties: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$ Source:0)
09-01 14:46:08.155 17960 18026 D ServerProperties: Server returned sitemaps: []
09-01 14:46:08.156 17960 17960 E MainActivity: openHAB returned empty Sitemap list

In fact I got it to work by completely spamming the retry button in the app until the sitemap appeared. seems to only return data randomly some of the time and for some reason spamming F5 in the browser or retry button in the app gets it to cooperate… But then it still spams “Event subscription failed” and doesn’t work completely. Sketchy.

1 Like