Openhab UI hangs until I close another Openhab browser tab

Hi all,

I have no clue where to start debugging/changing settings. My issue is that if I open multiple Openhab MainUI tabs in a browser, some of the tabs get unresponsive after a while. When I close another tab, the unresponsive tab immediately gets updated. I only experience this with Openhab, none of my other local hosted applications has this phenomena.

On the 4.2 versions the problem existed too, but only occured when 3 or more tabs where openened. Now on 4.3 it allready occurs with 2 tabs opened (nothing else changed in the network or architecture). Does anybody recognizes this issue? And any clue where to look for solutions?

I’m experiencing the same ‘session problem’ with multiple tabs, session hangs, cant list inventory etc. Also seen it more in recent releases, 4.3.0 especially.

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I also have this same problem. Somewhat annoying.

This has been a long standing issue which I brought up in a conversation with @florian-h05 and started investigating it. He finally was able to track down the root cause and has opened an issue here for that:


Thanks! I’ve marked your answer as a ‘solution’ and will follow up on the thread you mentioned.