Openhab2 deinstalls itself step by step?

Hi there,

I had some problems with the installation of openhab2 due to the shift of several config files in November, so I decided to put th package on hold in my Debian 9.0. Today, I wanted to upgrade the package (openhab2-online snapshot) again, which worked out well so far (besides that I had to manually recover parts of my configurations, e.g., the recovery of the userdata configuration breaks the upgrade of the new karaf version -> backup/restore procedure will not work between the 2 karaf version).

After installing all of my bindings, I tried to implement a persistence strategy by installing the MySQL and JDBC persistence bindings. After configuration and restart, openhab log states

2016-12-22 13:41:52.145 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-binding-hue, openhab-persistence-jdbc-mysql, openhab-misc-restdocs, openhab-binding-avmfritz, openhab-transformation-javascript, openhab-binding-sonos, openhab-ui-habpanel, openhab-transformation-regex, openhab-transformation-jsonpath, openhab-transformation-xpath, openhab-ui-basic, openhab-transformation-map, openhab-ui-classic, openhab-binding-astro, openhab-ui-habmin, openhab-binding-knx1, openhab-transformation-xslt, openhab-transformation-exec, openhab-ui-paper, openhab-transformation-scale': Permission denied

After a while, openhab2 began to deinstall itself without any interaction:

14:42:48.788 [INFO ] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Uninstalled 'openhab-persistence-mysql'
14:42:48.788 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ExtensionEvent      ] - Extension 'persistence-mysql' has been uninstalled.
14:42:58.255 [INFO ] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Uninstalled 'openhab-transformation-scale'
14:42:58.256 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ExtensionEvent      ] - Extension 'transformation-scale' has been uninstalled.
14:43:07.456 [INFO ] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Uninstalled 'openhab-persistence-jdbc-mysql'
14:43:07.460 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ExtensionEvent      ] - Extension 'persistence-jdbc-mysql' has been uninstalled.
14:43:15.734 [INFO ] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Uninstalled 'openhab-action-telegram'
14:43:15.734 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ExtensionEvent      ] - Extension 'action-telegram' has been uninstalled.
14:43:24.368 [INFO ] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Uninstalled 'openhab-transformation-xpath'
14:43:24.368 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ExtensionEvent      ] - Extension 'transformation-xpath' has been uninstalled.

up to a point where it even deinstalls the PaperUI and all interfaces.

What did I do wrong? My problem now is:

  1. The current openhab2 instance is completely broken
  2. The backups are useless, as most of the userdata files will not work with the new karaf version

Is there any stable debian package, where I can just upgrade without breaking my productive system? :cry:

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Hey Robin,
first please read all newer announcements at - this will hopefully help you understand what’s going on.

That said. I think your problem is, that you have a /etc/openhab2/services/addons.cfg file, where you defined all wanted addons. While this file was needed and by many (including me) recommended, we are finally at a point where you do not need it anymore, in fact, many things can go sideways by using it. Please delete it and install all your bindings and add-ons through Paper UI. This should solve the problems mentioned above.

Now you said that PaperUI is gone itself. In this case

  1. sudo systemctl stop openhab2.service
  2. Open /var/lib/openhab2/etc/org.openhab.addons.cfg and add ui = basic,paper
  3. sudo systemctl start openhab2.service

Alternatively make a clean restart by purging and reinstalling openhab.

Remember, that the changes in the last few month were done to the snapshot version and are expected to be the last of this magnitude.

Here’s a full content example:

package = expert
ui = basic,paper
misc = restdocs
transformation = map
remote = true
legacy = true
binding = astro,exec
persistence = influxdb
action = mqtt,pushover

I didn’t catch that one. Do you have any additional info/background link on that?


Edit: Did not catch it yet because of:

Check the following threads, linked comments and the following:

As you can see in my comments, the addons.cfg file needs some reworked comments. Volunteers anywhere? :wink:

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Thank you very much for your help!
I purged the installation and restored the backup beforehand. Unfortunately, the backup restores a addons.cfg file where all values are set to null, s.t. openhab seem to overwrite the paperUI settings with this.
I will exclude the addons.cfg from the backup and try it again tomorrow.

Reworking the documentation would be great as well, as the current documented backup/restore life cycle breaks a running system (like in my case).
I can offer to help you with that, but then I would need some assistance in how to contribute.


That would be great. Contributions are always welcome. I can assist you in that. Which part would you like to enhance?

From my perspective it could be helpful to have more detailed documentations for different features openHAB 2.0.
However, as I am not an expert myself at this point, I will dive deeper into openhab and return to you when I got more experience :slight_smile:

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Same error:

2018-04-18 11:19:13.247 [WARN ] [.core.transform.TransformationHelper] - Cannot get service reference for transformation service of type JSONPATH
2018-04-18 11:19:13.247 [WARN ] [] - given new state is NULL, couldn’t post update for ‘DI_01_02’
2018-04-18 11:23:32.654 [INFO ] [ui.habmin.internal.servlet.HABminApp] - Started HABmin servlet at /habmin
2018-04-18 11:56:36.921 [INFO ] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Uninstalled ‘openhab-transformation-regex’
2018-04-18 11:56:49.046 [INFO ] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Uninstalled ‘openhab-transformation-jsonpath’
2018-04-18 11:57:09.629 [INFO ] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Uninstalled ‘openhab-transformation-xpath’

2018-04-18 11:56:18.504 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension ‘transformation-map’ has been installed.
2018-04-18 11:56:28.523 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension ‘transformation-javascript’ has been installed.
2018-04-18 11:56:28.529 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension ‘transformation-regex’ has been installed.
2018-04-18 11:56:28.534 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension ‘transformation-jsonpath’ has been installed.
2018-04-18 11:56:36.930 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension ‘transformation-regex’ has been uninstalled.
2018-04-18 11:56:49.053 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension ‘transformation-jsonpath’ has been uninstalled.
2018-04-18 11:56:59.166 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension ‘transformation-xpath’ has been installed.
2018-04-18 11:56:59.179 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension ‘transformation-regex’ has been installed.
2018-04-18 11:56:59.194 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension ‘transformation-jsonpath’ has been installed.
2018-04-18 11:56:59.202 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension ‘transformation-scale’ has been installed.
2018-04-18 11:57:09.637 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension ‘transformation-xpath’ has been uninstalled.
2018-04-18 11:57:31.022 [thome.event.ExtensionEvent] - Extension ‘transformation-xpath’ has been installed.
