Openhab2 - Linux Script

Its installed or else you wouldn’t be getting errors from it. It must be a non-standard install. Is this a Debian or Fedora (or some other flavor of Linux) distro? The configs might be located somewhere else.

Ubuntu 16.04

That’s whats weird…that link is for Ubuntu…where it describes where it is located…but its not LOL.

seems like polkit is running as a service


Not sure what is going on.

What happens if you sudo systemctl stop polkit and then try to run your shell script as openhab?

I’m running 16.04 as well and I do have an /etc/polkit-1 folder. I don’t have any other users besides my main one that have sudo permission so I don’t know if I’d have the same problems.

You can also try to reinstall polkit and see if it restores that /etc/polkit-1 folder.

sudo apt-get install --reinstall --force polkit

Yeah that was going to be my next step. Do you know of any reason that might hurt my openhab install?

I think what i want to do is image my current box and deploy it to a spare raspberry pi, then go from there.

If i image my openhab instance and push it to another box, what implications do i face/things do i have to change…obviously there might be a “cloud issue” for openhab as both boxes would try to update my.openhab. I could prolly uninstall the my.openhab and ecobee bindings on them. that would stop them from trying to communicate.

I have some chromecasts and google home units as well…those might conflict with my production instance of openhab.

when i try to stop it, it says command not found


I recommend openHABian if you go that route. Unless this is already running on a Pi, you will probably face all sorts of driver issues if you move it from whatever it is running on now to the Pi. openHABian will also give you a well understood environment to start with.

I don’t know if you will have any issues with other bindings but you can only have one instance of OH connected to a given account at a time.

I doubt there will be problems with the Chromecasts or ecobee though. I’d mainly be concerned with technologies that use a USB dongle (e.g. zwave, rfxcom).

Based on this and all other evidence I’m going to guess that something happened somewhere along the way that borked your OS. polkit may not be the only service that is there/not there or otherwise corrupted. So you have a choice:

  • try to fix the problem running apt-get purge polkit; apt-get autoremove; apt-get install polkit
  • start anew with a fresh OS install

Its currently on an ODROID running Ubuntu.

I guess my goal here is to install openhab, and configure it similarly with exception of the zwave stuff so i could test this permission stuff.

I’d want to keep my existing environment up and running, so i wouldn’t move the zwave usb dongle.
Which means the only things the new environment would potentially conflict with would be:
google homes, ecobee and myopenhab as far as i can imagine.

My only caution is that the problems you are seeing have nothing to do with OH and everything to do with your current OS. So getting it running on a Pi or some other machine without plans to address the underlying problems with Ubuntu will not actually solve anything for you unless you plan on moving everything over to the Pi.

Oh no i totally get that. I was going to put Ubuntu on the Pi and openhab and just address the permissions issues. I don’t need zwave active to address running a shell script from openhab.

I just am uncomfortable experimenting with my productions openhab environment. I have so many things that run off of it i don’t want to mess it up.