Openhab2 on Synology can't find files


I’m trying to install Openhab2 on a Synology and followed som help from this site.

I have the folder “public”

But efter installation i can’t find the item and Sitemap folder

I dont have “@appstore” folder too.

Can someone help me - where do i find the files and how do i point to the Sitemap i created?



if you used the spk files, please look into /volume1/@appstore/openhab2
i think you will need to use ssh/shell for this to find, FileStation will not display these folders.

For the public folder to work you actually have to create these subfolders [without the part in the brackets] there before installing:
(beware of CASEsensitivity)

Hope this help, i had some fight with this myself (started with openHAB2 about two weeks ago and i’m no Linux guru…)


You can also use WinSCP, but when you configure the connection, you have to go to advanced, and under one of the sections (cannot check from here) you have to drop-down-select “SCP“.


Have been away for a while.

Thanks - i will try that :slight_smile:


I will look into that - thanks.

I looked it up, it’s even more simple: Not in Advanced, but directly in the session options choose “SCP” from the “File Protocol” drop down list. The standard (SFTP) will not show the system folders.

For purely reading the conf-files or logs, the WinSCP method works easily. However, if you want to edit, delete or move files, you might run into problems: I have not found out how to “sudo” within WinSCP (The shell/SCP sudo options in “Advanced” configuration do not work, only “/bin/bash”): Without sudo, even the admin user does not seem to be allowed to modify files created and owned by different users like “OpenHAB2”. User “OpenHAB2”, on the other hand, does not have access rights to system folders with SCP, in which the filed are located. So you can navigate, but not edit - or edit, but not navigate… It might be worth a try to give OpenHAB2 admin rights (temporarily only, of course). From e.g. puTTY, edit via sudo is no problem, but you have to be a little familiar with console commands (rm, mv, and - most dreaded - the editor vi). I installed the package midnight commander to elude vi.

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