openHABian: Cannot connect via SSH anymore

Hi, today I made an update of my openhabian installation (using openhabian-config) - and now I cannot connect via ssh to my raspberry anymore.
I can logon with a keyboard and a monitor directly, but SSH seems to be dead.

I already made an update, upgrade - and “basic setup” - nothing helped.
The network/internet connection seems to be fine, because I was able to do all the updates from the net repositories without a problem.
@ThomDietrich, do you have an idea/a hint how to proceed?

Thank you,

Woops, seems like my Raspberry got a new MAC address - and therefore, the MAC-based address reservation did not work. How could this happen?

Now I’m completely confused - next reboot, I had another (new) mac address for my eth0 interface!

I found a workaround by defining a static ip address in the interface files, but I’d interested in understanding, what happened here - and why I get a new MAC address ever new reboot.

Thanks, Boby

Seems to be a Debian issue:

Look at this topic Unable to boot on RPI3 with latest update

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