openHABian Failing - Never Have Had Problems Before

Or with your OS. You read the README, didn’t you ? On x86, we only support plain Debian or Ubuntu.
I don’t know MX Linux but “essentially Debian” might not be enough.
BTW you fail to mention what HW you use.

What instruction exactly, what “script” ? openhabian-config ?
With the unattended option ? Or interactively ?

That’s not part of openHABian. Must be a homebrew so you would need to show it if you want us to help.

What files ? The debug guide is written for unattended install from the image.
If you don’t use the image but run it after manual install then there’s no logfile but you can start recording the terminal output and redo your installation steps.

Edit /etc/openhabian.conf and set debugmode=maximum to see every command to get an idea where it’s failing (BTW the debug guide also tells you to).