openHABian hassle-free openHAB Setup

I think this is a temporarily problem as there are some issues with the latest snapshot build on cloudbees. See:

(post #30 from theo).

Fixed since 27.10.2016 00:44.
Your easiest way to restart the setup is to connect via ssh and then type:

sudo mv /boot/config-reinstall.txt /boot/config.txt
sudo reboot
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Thank you for making it so easy for me. I just did as you suggested and success!
(Your success - thx).
Here is the successful log - now off to play…

login as: pi
pi@openhabianpi's password:

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.

########################## openHABianPi #################### 5.15.160729 ####
##          Ip =
##     Release = Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)
##      Kernel = Linux 4.4.0-1-rpi2
##    Platform = Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Rev 1.1
##      Uptime = 0 day(s). 0:3:39
##   CPU Usage = 61.17 % average CPU usage over 4 core(s)
##    CPU Load = 1m: 3.24, 5m: 1.60, 15m: 0.64
##      Memory = Free: 0.47 GB (50%), Used: 0.47 GB (50%), Total: 0.94 GB
##        Swap = Free: 0.00 GB (0%), Used: 0.00 GB (100%), Total: 0.00 GB
##        Root = Free: 5.29 GB (79%), Used: 1.37 GB (21%), Total: 7.05 GB
##     Updates = 1 apt-get updates available.
##    Sessions = 1 sessions
##   Processes = 119 running processes of 7668 maximum processes

              Welcome to            __  _____    ____  _
            ____  ____  ___  ____  / / / /   |  / __ )(_)___ _____
           / __ \/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ /_/ / /| | / __  / / __ `/ __ \
          / /_/ / /_/ /  __/ / / / __  / ___ |/ /_/ / / /_/ / / / /
          \____/ .___/\___/_/ /_/_/ /_/_/  |_/_____/_/\__,_/_/ /_/
                                         openHAB 2.0 Build #557

[13:57:24] pi@openHABianPi:~$ tail /var/log/raspbian-ua-netinst.log
tail: cannot open ‘/var/log/raspbian-ua-netinst.log’ for reading: Permission denied
[13:58:49] pi@openHABianPi:~$ sudo tail /var/log/raspbian-ua-netinst.log

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

[sudo] password for pi:
[openHABian] Adding openHAB syntax to nano editor... OK
[openHABian] Setting up Samba... OK
[openHABian] Downloading FireMotD... OK
[openHABian] Installing etckeeper (git based /etc backup)... OK
[openHABian] === Finished executing '' ===
=== Finished executing post-install.txt. ===
Removing cdebootstrap-helper-rc.d... OK
Saving current time for fake-hwclock...
Installation finished at Thu Oct 27 11:53:27 UTC 2016 and took 47 min 49 sec (2869 seconds)
[13:59:18] pi@openHABianPi:~$

Progress but Nothing in UI’s

After setting:
sudo adduser openhab dialout
sudo systemctl restart openhab2.service

I can see from info log that all my insteon (using insteonplm) stuff is updating - that’s progress.

But all the Basic and Classic UI’s are empty: Classic UI, Paper UI
I just see “Home” titlebar but no frame or items.
I’m using my own default.sitemap that worked in previous versions and the dummied down one here:

sitemap main label="Main Menu"
	Frame {
		Group item=all label="Almost all" 

anyone have ideas on why nothing is showing up in UI’s?

Glad you got that solved.

Yet another small update.

  • dialout and serial port: User openhab is now member of groups dialout and tty (on a fresh installation). Additionally a menu entry is now available to activate the serial port needed for peripheral devices like the Razberry or SCC. This has been a long awaited change and was asked for by @Skalleno, @jaydee73, @Branden_Smale, @jever1966, @rlkoshak, @jtmoderate876, …
    Thanks to GitHub user bodiroga for helping with the implementation details.

  • Move root to usb device: A new menu entry now provides the possibility to move the system to an external USB stick or SSD. This option was interesting to many and has been provided by @peter_juenger Thanks! (GitHub PR, Discussion)

  • extended FAILED info text: The posted screenshots by @jtmoderate876 here reminded me to extend the failure text after an unsuccessful setup process…

  • easy wifi setup for RPi3: available in the menu. Provided by @Vincent. Thanks!

  • pre-installation configuration: fundamental things like setting the hostname, locales, a timezone or fix IP settings are now possible through a configuration file. This option is (in contrast to the rest) part of the image and will be available only with release v1.0.

  • many small changes: commit history

If you want to help improving openHABian, look through the open issues or create your own!


Hallo Thom, mein Englisch ist leider nicht so gut, deshalb schreibe ich auf Deutsch. Habe einen Raspberry Pi 3 und das neue Razberry 2 Modul. Aktuell hatte ich von die Razberry Software laufen. Finde jedoch den Funktionsumfang sehr eingeschränkt. Möchte gerne auf OpenHab umsteigen. Habe OH mit deinem Image installiert. Leider bekomme ich das Z-Wave Modul nicht zum Laufen. Die bekannten Port-Probleme. Gibt es irgendwo einen Lösungsansatz, der in Deutsch ist? Komme mit den ganzen Anleitungen leider nicht klar. Vielleicht kann mir jemand aus der Community helfen. Danke schonmal vorab!

Ich kenne das Image NOCH nicht, aber du brauchst noch den folgenden java Parameter:

Den habe ich in bei raspian unter /etc/default/openhab2 in die Gänsefüßchen eingetragen. Danach lief das Ganze.

Sieht dann so aus:


Hoffe das hilft.

was meinst du mit “Du kennst das Image noch nicht”. Wie hast du OpenHab installiert? Manuell? Welche Hardware hast du? Ich habe öfters schon gelesen, dass man den seriellen Port irgendwie “ummappen” soll und das bluetooth deaktiveren müsste, stimmt das?

Richtig. Habe bisher openhab 2 auf raspian auf nem rpi 2 laufen. Ich steige gerade von symcon auf oh2 um und daher kommt das.
Mangels Bluetooth habe ich das Problem noch nicht gehabt…

ich komme leider nicht vorran. Habe mal nach der Anleitung von FHEM gearbeitet:

Habe aber das Problem das mir die Datei im folgenden Pfad fehlt: /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service

Wer kann mir eine Step-by-Step Anleitung geben. Explizit für das hassle-free RPi Image und den Pi3. Wäre euch sehr dankbar.

PS: und am besten auch in Deutsch!

Bin am verzweifeln!

Hey Stefan,
I’ll answer in german via personal message.

Yeah, openhabian saves me a lot of time. Great work! Thank you!
Works on a brand new Raspberry Pi 3b and 32 gb samsung card. It’s really hassle-free.

Ja, das würde ich auch noch gerne wissen, warum /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service fehlt.
Ich bin auch nach den Anleitung vorgegangen, bin dann auf das overlay ohne BT gesprungen.
Würde mich für später noch interessieren, das wieder zu aktivieren.

Ich kann dir aber sagen, dass das prinzipiell so geht mit Openhabian und Razberry2 und Raspberry 3. Habs grade zum Laufen bekommen.

Ist demnach nicht installiert :wink: Sicher dass dieser Dienst noch benötigt wird? Für die Änderung scheinbar nicht:

Why do you have to disable Bluetooth!? Isn’t it enough to use /dev/ttyS0 for the serial port? Are you sure that the Razberry2 is not working otherwise?

Good question. No, i’m not sure. This is my first Raspberry and my knowledge is very limited about the Raspberry SOC in combination with Razberry2. As far as i know the speed of /dev/ttyS0 is bound to the cpu frequency with all (for me) unknown impacts. There is a way to fix it by configuring a fixed cpu clock frequency. I think, most people choose 100% clock speed.
So, my solution is: Map GPIO 14/15 to /dev/ttyAMA0 and drop the BT, because i don’t want to configure a fixed cpu clock frequency and i don’t use BT yet, maybe later.

There is a special raspian distribution from guys, the developers of the razberry2 board, for the Z-Way system. They use /dev/ttyAMA0 and the same overlay boot configuration, but i don’t know why.

There is also a German language forum:

Hi all,

Not sure if this issue is to do with the installation script or not.

First of all a big thank you for developing the utility. I installed it a week ago and ended up with the most functional OH2 installation I’ve had yet :slight_smile: It’s very helpful.

But I recently ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and after a reboot nothing gets initialized.

What have I done wrong? I have a very basic installation.

No, it’s not about the script. At the moment (or maybe forever?) an apt-get update/upgrade does delete all bindings, actions, persistence etc. Only the configuration files remain.

See here:

You have to manually add all your bindings etc. to the addons.cfg file.

@jaydee73, many thanks for your prompt reply. I guess I’ll use updates more sparingly from now on!

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