openHABian hassle-free openHAB Setup

sorry regarding the influxdb + grafana option … when installing that it says “This will install InfluxDB and Grafana and set up the connection between them and openHAB.”

not sure which steps from the tutorial thread on the forum are actually done…

by the help text I would assume a DB was created and the influxdb.cfg filels but it wasnt and also no DB was created.

So is the help text wrong and I follow the tutorial fully?



should have included you the first time…[quote=“Branden_Smale, post:669, topic:13379”]
on another note, any forward progress on the backup / restore options we discussed?

Hello openHABian-users!

I tried mounting /var/log and /var/tmp as tmpfs to reduce write access to the sd card and so to increase the lifetime of it. After I added creating of the log dir to rc.local, this works.

But openHABian seems not to be able to determine outstanding updates anymore: after a new ssh connection the welcome screen says:

Updates = Unknown apt-get updates available.

Does anyone know how I can repair this (while still using tmpfs)?

Thank you in advance, Nico.

This would be a good modification. I had added it manually in the Raspbian Version before installing OpenHABian. So count me in.

Hi Frerk,

did you solve this issue in your confuguration?

Kind regards, Nico

Follow this post, worked for me:

Hello Nico,

I didn’t try yet. I got my Razberry Extension to work, this was enough work for the weekend :wink:

The last months I used Raspbian of an external usb stick to prevent corrupt file systems like I had before. I’ll try the 'copy to external usb device" method of openhabian-config.

Hi All,

Since the intention is to have a “hassle-free” RPi image, what would be the preferred way to update a single binding?
So for example the z-wave binding has in its latest snapshot some devices added.

Now since the initial binding installation went through the GUI, what would be the best “hassle-free” way to use a lastest z-wave binding build on the RPi?



That is (to my knowledge) not possible currently. You can however switch over to the unstable path, containing the latest addons as well. Check

Hello @nbar and @greenoid, The updates count (FireMotD) is stored in the file /var/tmp/updatecount.txt. It should be updated daily. Something must be wrong with your configuration.

as tmpfs to reduce write access to the sd card

Could you give us some numbers?

Hello @ThomDietrich,
you are right: if I configure /var/tmp to be mounted as tmpfs, the update count does not work since the file is not present (with this change in configuration, the complete /var/tmp folder is being emptied). But if I wait one day, the update count is displayed correctly again.
Kind regards, Nico.

Thanks Thom,

That asnwers my question :slight_smile:



did somebody get openHABian running on a RPi emulator like qemu?


Hallo Thomas,
habe mir die Datei auf die SD Karte drauf gemacht und den Pi gestartet.
wurde soweit alles auch schön installiert.
Jetzt werde ich nach dem Login und Passwort für openHABiasnPi gefragt. Ich habe schon pi und raspberry sowie opnehab und habopen ausprobiert. leider ohne Erfolg.
Könntets du mit weiterhelfen?

LG Denis

Hey Dennis, ich werde in Englisch antworten, wenn das für dich ein Problem ist, schreib mir einfach eine private Nachricht :wink:

I trust you followed the instructions?

Are you trying to log in via keyboard and HDMI Display or via SSH?

  • If via Keyboard: Please use SSH, you will thank me later.
  • If via SSH: The username:password combination pi:raspberry is correct. Please try again.

found a menuitem in openhabian-config (within openhabian) to update OpenHAB2
However, on the website i see a menu item “download and install the latest snapshot”
\Doed anyone know how to " activate" this menuitem ?

Hallo Thomas,

danke erstmal für die Rückmeldung. Hab soweit alles hinbekommen.
Ich muss vorweg sagen dass mein Englisch nicht allzu gut ist und ich mich mit linux überhaupt nicht auskenne.
Ich habe nun folgendes Problem:

Ich habe bei der Paper UI den openHAB cloud connector installiert. Muss dieser nach Installation in den Bindings angezeigt werden?
Bei mir steht nur bei Service openHAB cloud.

Ich kann leider niergends meine UUID und secret finden.

Kannst Du mir hierbei weiterhelfen?

LG Denis

Hi @denis1988,

please note that english is our language of communication, as there are members from all around the world that are willing to help.

Regarding the configuration of the openHAB cloud adapter, you will find the information here:
UUID: /var/lib/openhab2/uuid
Secret: /var/lib/openhab2/openhabcloud/secret

You can get them e.g. with the following commands:

cat /var/lib/openhab2/uuid
cat /var/lib/openhab2/openhabcloud/secret


I’m at a loss here… has anyone got openhabian working with WiFi on the RPi 3?

I know my wifi works because it works if I put in a fresh image of raspbian jessie on. It just doesn’t work with openhabian.

I’ve tried everything I can think of:

  1. install brcm firmware
  2. install wireless-regdb, crda, wireless-tools, wpasupplicant

reboot a million times wlan0 does not show up when I type iwconfig. any ideas?

Documentation, guys!

Yes Wifi is working. openHABian hassle-free openHAB Setup