I don’t know what’s happening but “sudo shutdown -h now” for a shutdown and “sudo shutdown -r now” for a reboot has always worked for me.
Hello Community,
im a new user to Openhab and really appreciate the work that was done on openhabian!
I really need some help of the community:
With the last update i did from the openhabian-config my networkshare via samba is not working anymore… (user openhabian:openhabian?). I get an error that i dont have the permissions, the folders conf, log, sys and userdata i see. So what am i doing wrong?
Openhab with default installation working problemless
@ThomDietrich, any input here for me? I’m not sure, but I’d guess there should be some of the cloudbee or bintray repositories listed (or whereever the repos have been moved to lately) ?
These ones will provide openhab2 you’re on the stable version by default so only get updates on major releases.
Hi, is it possible to run openhabian on a orange pi plus 2e?
Just figured out, that there wasn*t any update to the stable version release at all, since the release of 2.0.0-1. Wasn’t aware of this before, so it’s clear why some functions may be missing here.
I must admit, it has become a little bit difficult to stay up to date with the development of OH2, since there are so many things not fully documented yet. One must be lucky to use the right keywords to find specific answers currently, as so many things are spread across different chats and are in different states of maturity. Since OH2 was targeted at making things easier for the average user (I’m not a developer), it feels that this is not really the case yet
I just did the rpi-update and I didn’t know what’s going on until I found answers here,
so what should I do now? reformat the SD Card?
Depends on what your problem exactly is
Does your RPI no longer start at all? Maybe writing a fresh image to the Card and start all over again might be the easiest way (assuming you have backed up all the configuration files before, as a fresh Image will erase EVERYTHING on the card!!!)
If you have a different problem, a specific description would be helpful.
I don’t know yet, I do the rpi-update by ssh at office, and lost connection / ping to rpi after reboot,
I try ask someone power reset (unplug and plug usb cable) without sucess, still lost connection / ping.
in this case, I think I will have to go for format than, lucky point is this is not the main usage rpi, is fresh install today, in this case, I’ll just need to spend few more hours to start over again.
I started to use openhabian from version 1.0. I changed the pi default password and everything was fine. After the release of the v.1.1 I executed the “Upgrade System” and the “Basic Setup” and still everything was fine. After a reboot, my pi user is still there and working from console but I’m not able anymore to connect to my raspberrypi3 by SSH. I tried the combinations:
but I get always “Access denied”. I’ll have a look to the file ssh_config when I can use the console, but I wanted to rise the issue.
Thank you.
I’ve been an OH1 guy for a few years…decided to take the plunge on OH2 at least for exploratory reasons. So trying a migration using Openhabian, freshly downloaded from Release page.
I am unable to get OpenHabian to recognize my z-stick controller on an RPi3. ( /dev/tty/AMA0 ) . And (perhaps related, I find that I am UNABLE to deselect the “disable serial port” option in openhabian-config (from option 30 from main menu)…I can MECHANICALLY deselect it via mouse or keyboard , but the change does NOT survive a reboot. The other two options (re BT and more ports) DO stay sticky, but I am wondering if the fact the first one does stay selected might nullify at least the third option.
I can add the controller as a Thing, but it shows OFFLINE regardless.
Try /dev/tty/ACM0. I know this has been an issue in the past and how it is with my Pi2.
My typo…was using /dev/ttyACM0. dmesg shows that is the SiLabs controller too. It just is Offline to OH2.
Is the controller one of the listed supported controllers here:
Aeon Labs Z-stick
Ok, last guess for me… is Openhab a member of the dialout group?
sudo adduser openhab dialout
Now I am actually looking at the system console. My original post was correct The port really is /dev/ttyAMA0 for the stick. Openhab and Openhabian are both members of dialout and tty.
Did a couple of full reinstalls etc etc. Bottom line – the controller is actually at /dev/ttyUSB0
SOLVED (I think).
Hi all, hope you can help me. I’m getting errors on a fresh install of 1.1. Screenshot:
Errors on installing git package failed and installing bootloader package. Any ideas? I’ve tried 4 times with the same result, tried re-downloading the image, and checked Internet connection…
1.0 worked flawlessly earlier…
Been running openHABian hassle free for a while on my mold Raspberry Pi Model B Rev 2. Today I decide to upgrade my hardware an d bought a RPi 3. Went on to upgrade everything and hoped to at least boot on the ne hardware. But no only rainbow screen. Guessing that the kernel does not get upgraded so that the new board is supported. Anyone that have done similar and can advice? Or have suggestions on migration path to transfer current OH2 setup and config files to a new installation?