openHABian hassle-free openHAB Setup

Cool! I wasn’t aware of that…

Indeed. Etcher will soon also contain another neat feature:

Sorry, I didn’t see in the announcement.
Anyway I used the .img.xz and everything seem working fine now…

I don’t know what went wrong, but now is time to learn how this stuff works!

Thank you!

Hi @ThomDietrich,

I recently changed my setup from a pi2 to a nuc (N6CAYH), cause I needed a machine with more memory for additional server tasks.

I installed the nuc with ubuntu-server 16.10 and of course I took openhabian to setup OH2:

  • cloned the repo
  • did basic setup
  • installed java8
  • restored /etc/openhab2
    and guess what: OH2 was up and running again in no time :slight_smile:

So thanks once again for your fantastic work and your passion towards OH and this community.


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I had no trouble using openHABian to install and get started. I had tried 1.6, 1.8.3 and 2 a few months ago but ran into too many roadblocks. This was a refreshing change and a great start.

I still can’t load old bindings though. I’ve searched everywhere on how to load the old 1.x and FTP won’t let me touch /usr/share/openhab2/addons.

I’m still trying to figure out how to get the Weather binding to show properly on HABPanel but I’m fumbling through it.

I simply MUST have the Omnilink binding however, otherwise this is a non-starter for me. Any suggestions?

Hi All,

New to openHabian, and was super excited to see an “easy” option for us noobs. I have a Raspberry Pi 3 (RPi3) Model B Quad-Core 1.2 GHz 1 GB RAM, and a SanDisk Ultra 64GB microSDXC (SDSQUNC-064G-GN6MA) which has been formatted to Fat32. I’ve tried loading both the compressed image, and the net image, and both have failed multiple times. Here’s a screenshot of the most recent fail for the net version

Both packages (V1.2) seem to fail right after the etckeeper installs. I get a “FAILED (frontial)” message, and then fast blinks. Have tried multiple times, including wiping SD card, reformatting, unpacking, etc, but still am having no luck. From the looks of it, I might be one of the first Pi 3 folks. Would love any help that can be offered!

Many thanks in advance,

:astonished: Hey Sean, seems like this is a bug on my side. Adding frontail is a change from yesterday (I did not even write the announcement yet) and it seems to have caused a problem with the ua-netinst image (understandable, one of the reasons for switching to Raspbian). However this image will be discontinued. Could you please try the Rasbian image again. If you encounter an error there too (actually not expected) please post it here. I’ll do my own test run later this evening.

Hi @ThomDietrich!

Thanks for the super fast response! Did the Raspian image change from last night? The file that was saved here: (openhabianpi-raspbian-20170318-git9767b24-crc9616e8a1.img.xz) was the one I also tried originally before i attempted the net version. It had a similar problem and failed after etckeeper as well. The only additional piece of information that was provided in that log file was [openhabian] script ‘/boot/’ failed. I didn’t capture a screen shot of this log, I just wrote down some chicken scratch, tried a few more times, then switched to the net version.

The only other errors I saw in the Rasbian image (which were sporadic during my multiple attempts) were a failure on “Installing basic can’t be wrong packages” and a “Failed to start resize2fs_once” service.

The image is only the base which will self-update during setup.
I’ve just removed frontail from the setup process. Please try the Raspbian image again.

I get the same error, but no output after (frontail)

2017-03-21_14:14:33_EDT [openHABian] Adding openHAB syntax to vim editor… OK
2017-03-21_14:14:36_EDT [openHABian] Adding openHAB syntax to nano editor… OK
2017-03-21_14:14:37_EDT [openHABian] Setting up Samba for the default user… OK
2017-03-21_14:31:25_EDT [openHABian] Installing etckeeper (git based /etc backup)… OK
FAILED (frontail)

This was installed from openhabianpi-raspbian-20170318-git9767b24-crc9616e8a1.img.gz on a Pi 3, with a 16GB card, no wifi enabled - wired connection.

Let me know if you need any logs etc. before I wipe the card and try something else.


I’ve fixed that issue. Please try again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I wasn’t sure if the latest image had been updated, so I took the contents of the latest openhabian-master/build-rpi-raspbian and copied them into the root directory of a newly imaged SD card, renaming openhabian.raspbian.conf to openhabian.conf.

That now seems to have booted and configured fine


@ThomDietrich, Worked great this time! Thanks for giving it a swift kick in the pants :wink: Appreciate the hard work, and can’t wait to give it a test run!


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Not in the v1.2 release but might be ready for v1.3, check it out: openHAB bind mounts, Samba improvements by ThomDietrich · Pull Request #120 · openhab/openhabian · GitHub

@Hansohm the hostname bug is also covered by this :wink:

Those of you who followed this thread for a while know that I’m not a fan of a GUI on the RPi. I’m unsure if it’s the best approach to learn and enjoy Linux. However I acknowledge that everyone needs to go through his/her own learning process and many benefit from a graphical frontend.

I’d be happy to add the needed steps to the documentation as soon as one tells me which these are exactly. If you read this and have your openHABian setup on an HDMI display, start typing now:

sudo apt install raspberrypi-ui-mods
sudo reboot
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out of interest…
Is it sudo apt … OR
sudo apt-get

Both is possible :slight_smile:
The Output differs slightly (apt is the much more nice one ;)) and there are some little differences in commands, e.g. for a complete upgrade, you would have to perform
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade or sudo apt full-upgrade
And there are some commands, which are unknown by apt,
e.g. there is neither apt install -f nor apt autoremove

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No love for sudo aptitude install ...? :smiley:
apt can be seen as the successor to apt-get but as @Udo_Hartmann said sometimes you’ll have to resort to apt-get or apt-cache to achieve your goal. Gladly both commands can be used in parallel.

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Ah, I should disable that.

The “:” thing is what’s shown when you are inside a “less pager” - allowing to freely scroll through a number of lines that’s longer than the screen height. Using a pager is useful in environments where you can not easily scroll up and down on or if the complete output is too long. It really doesn’t make sense here.

Anyhow, just press “q” :slight_smile:

Thanks for reporting this problem, even if it’s small (no need to delete your post). I’ll add the fix for that right away.

Edit: @tjwesterby Done.