openHABian upgrade hangs need to press Enter

I just ran the upgrade on on another RPI3b+. I set debug mode=maximum and after saying continue to update Java, it continued and completed properly. It went back to the menu on its own. So is it possibly the Java that is causing you to have to hit enter. The default on the Java was to go back and not update Java.

@ndye not sure why the cond_redirect is there, maybe just because it’s the default ? any objection to removing it ?

Java updates are so rare that you only will get to see this “bug” maybe once in a year.

I also had to re-install my GPIO binding.

bundle:start org.openhab.binding.gpio

But even with these few issues, I really like openHabian. I really appreciate all the time you have put into making this a great system.

Thank you

Go ahead and remove it, I probably added it just because that was what we did at the time it should not matter if you remove it.

Same symptom but different cause.
See the point ?



You were on 2.5, they were not.
You issue IIRC happened on apt-get upgrade, theirs on Java update which is a separate place in the code.
My point is you need to analyze your issues to an extent you understand the context/circumstances it happens in before you should go for a possible solution.

I do not believe that until “they” prove this to be true after running the next update when packages are available.

I’m a bit tired to analyse things like the one we are talking about or java updating for no reason when debug != off right now.