OpenPaths Binding

I’m trying to make the binding work correctly. As far as I was able only the “home” coordinates and the phone position are working.
Once I try to add work and another location to work, both of them reproduce the home settings… what am I doing wrong?

Openhab CONFIG
############################### OpenPaths Binding 
# The latitude/longitude coordinates of 'home'.

# You may define any number of additional locations. If no geofence is given
# for a location, the default geofence configuration below is used

# The latitude/longitude coordinates of 'work'.

# The latitude/longitude coordinates of 'Wolf'.

# Interval in milliseconds to poll for user location (optional, defaults to 5mins).

# Distance in metres a user must be from 'home' to be considered inside the 
# geofence (optional, defaults to 100m). 

# OpenPaths access/secret keys for each user.
open paths:Nico.accesskey=xxxxxxxxx
open paths:Nico.secretkey=xxxxxxxxxx

ITEMS #######################
Switch  User1PresenceHome     "Nico @ Home		" <present> {openpaths="Nico:home" }
Switch  User1PresenceLavoro   "Nico @ Work	" <present> {openpaths="Nico:work" }
Switch  User1PresenceWolf     "Nico @ Wolf " <present> {openpaths="Nico:wolf" }
String  User1Phone_currentLoc "Nico Loc.: [%s]  "   <info>	{openpaths="Nico:currentLocation" }
Number  User1Phone_currentLat "Nico Lat: [%.4f °]"  <info>	{openpaths="Nico:currentLatitude" }
Number  User1Phone_currentLon "Nico Lon: [%.4f °]"  <info>	{openpaths="Nico:currentLongitude" }
Number  User1HomeDistance     "Nico from Home: 	   [%.2f km]" <info> {openpaths="Nico:home:distance" }
Number  User1WorkDistance     "Nico from Work: [%.2f km]" <info> {openpaths="Nico:work:distance" }
Number  User1WolfDistance     "Nico from Wolf: [%.2f km]" <info> {openpaths="Nico:wolf:distance" }

SITEMAPS ####################
		Switch 	item=User1PresenceCasa
		Switch 	item=User1PresenceLavoro
		Text 	item=User1HomeDistance
		Text 	item=User1Phone_currentLoc
		Text 	item=User1Phone_currentLat
		Text 	item=User1Phone_currentLon
		Text 	item=User1WorkDistance
		Text 	item=User1WolfDistance