That is the version of openHAB to which the binding was built. It’s (unfortunately) not the version of the binding itself. Bindings don’t really seem to have their own version numer, which is why I included a version number property on the Thing to keep track of the bindings version.
Hi @Mephix, I started upgrading my OH3 to the newest version and wanted to update the OT binding to the latest you have - however after installation I don’t see the vb_filtercheck status channel
What’s interesting my addon version says just 2.0.0 despite the fact I have installed clean and the latest one from your GIT repo.
Hi @Tomek, it seems OH is still using an older version then. The vh_filtercheck channel was added in commit 18a6645 and in that same commit the version was set to 2.1.2. So you’ll need version 2.1.2 or higher for that channel to be available.
If you extract the .jar file, you can see the version in the OH-INF\thing\openthermgateway.xml file.
@Arjen thank you for your reply, although I don’t believe in magic there is something going on here for me.
The version which I have is 2.1.3, that is one downloaded from your repo and I installed it manually into my addons folder in OH installation. I decompressed the JAR file.
Below is the line from OH Console - it says the addon is active and the version/date corresponds to the build time of the latest version. There is no other version of OT binding listed.
Hi! I have another question - does your binding have an option to output into logs all OpenTherm messages received by the gateway, in HEX or binary form? Maybe at VERBOSE logging level?
Thanks for the effort, but this issue was already adressed and solved some versions ago. In the mean time a new pull request has been submitted to add support for ventilation / heat recovery units in which a lot of the logic is rewritten to allow for a bridge-things structure. That PR still awaits review though.
What do mean by that? It is definitely NOT solved in the binding version that ships in the official OH distro. If you are saying that you have fixed it in a personal distro, then you need to merge the respective changes into the OH official distro, by means of a proper Pull Request.
Facit: the official OH distro is broken, but the version in my PR has solved it.
PS my PR is essentially just a bug fix; whereas yours is is an enhancement. So IMHO you should probably not try to combine those changes into a single PR…
Hi, I would like to control my ventilation unit (Wolf CWL-400 which is actually by Brink) with the OTGW and OpenHab. In otmonitor (Opentherm Monitor, Windows Applicaton) I am able to adjust the ventilation rate by sending VS=xx under Options/Miscellaneous/Free format command. Is it possible to send commands like this with the OpenTherm Gateway binding?
it took some time, but meanwhile the binding is installed and seems to work pretty well. What I still don‘t understand: how can I send a command like „VS=xx“? I can read all values easily, but I still don‘t know what to do, if I want to change the ventilation setpoint. Can you help me?
I wrote a rule with the target „Ventilation Setpoint“ and the value „100“ - it worked!
But there ist still a problem: after changing the VS with OpenHAB the ventilation unit cannot be controlled manually by the thermostat anymore. I had to reboot OpenHAB to be able to control the device manually again. Is there a way to get the best of both worlds?