Openweathermap new "One Call" API

Hello all,

I’ve put together a version of the binding which calls the onecallapi.

This is a bit of an experiment for me - I have not done proper java coding in several years, but it seems to be working. However, I’m not ready to push it into github.

But I’m happy to provide a download link for you guys to try. Feedback is welcome.

Some notes:

  • Station ID and name have both been removed
  • Wind Gust has also been removed

This is all down to the fact they aren’t in the response any more.

I have tested everything on the ‘current weather’ and it seems to be coming through for my current location.

I have also tested min/max temperature on ‘today’s’ forecast - and, again, it’s working - but it’s worth noting that what seems to happen is this is ‘min or max from the point of request onwards’. So if you update every 60 minutes and we’re already past the hottest point of the day … well … you’re now going to see lower temperatures on the ‘max’ than WAS the max for the day.

E.g. Friday - the max was 33 odd, when I actually copied this file into my local openhab - it read ‘25’ because the temperature was already cooling down.

But please look at the 3 hour, 6 hour etc forecasts.

UV forecast still comes from the paid for uv forecast API.


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